I can feel you all 'reading' my blog, wondering where I have been. And I can feel you all silently nagging me from your nice comfy seats reading this saying, she lost it again. Well I haven't, I just got slightly waylaid.
Ok, so on Monday, it was hissing down with rain, and it was cold and grey and no-body in their right mind, who didn't have to be out there would have been out there, (Well maybe nagging sister, the martyr) but I did say right mind. So instead I started up my comp in the hope of doing some work, spread sheets! Excel! All day on that darn thing, forgot to do any form of exercise, just this darn spread sheets, which wasn't doing what I wanted it to do! I was pleasantly distracted for a while, (Facebook) reading every ones up dates, looking at new pictures, etc....... I'm sure you all have done it right?
Tuesday again, was a bad day for the exercise because of ........ something...... which I assure you was very important! (Oh dear why cant I remember what I did) ....
oh yes, there was the banking to do. See I told you in was important.
And Wednesday, well yesterday was a different day all together. Yesterday was the second anniversary for my mums passing. The wind was fierce yesterday, reminding me of the very moment that mum went. 'I wonder if that is the wind coming for mum' I said to my brother as we were outside the house having a ciggie (yes I know). And it was. She was the inspiration for all this keep fit thing happening, she was the reason why there were 20 or so of us getting off our lazy backsides and doing something to raise money for cancer research. Mum and dad and everybody else who has suffered or been affected by cancer is the reason why I am still struggling to keep fit. We missed out on this years Race for life, but next year, 2010, I shall be entering again, with mum and dad on my mind.
So today, after a firm telling off by me, yes nagging sister I nagged my self, as well as your nagging voice in my head and the silent voices that are willing me to do well, I was also nagging myself, I got out of my pit pulled on my joggers and opened the door. The wind is about again and blew some dirt in my eye. I went back inside and decided, 'Maybe jogging in high winds is not the best idea' so with a smile on my face I whacked on the old mans IPOD and danced. I love dancing, and, to be fair, because I can feel you saying, 'JUST GET OUT THERE YOU WIMP when I do dance about in my kitchen I do so for at least 30 mins, which is of course as you know, more heart pumping, sweat inducing time then jogging for just over 15 mins.
So can you all stop nagging me now, please?
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Friday 13th!
Now I am not superstitious, and I didn't stay in bed where its nice a warm, away from path crossing black cats and ladders over the pavements, but all the same I didn't venture out in the rain to go jogging.
Now I can hear you all now saying its only rain, you wont fizz up and turn to slush in the middle of the path, but I just didn't want to go. This keep fit and staying fit lark is after all supposed to be enjoyable as well as healthy and good for you, so the thought of me going out there, in the rain, looking like nagging sister did (but on a sightly larger scale) did not appeal to me.
As it happens today I did get up very early for work, drove the little girl to her breakfast club and drove home again. I came home while the old man and son was still home getting ready for their days work/schooling and I made sure they were both out the housebefore I got down to business. I went up stairs pulled on my joggers and came down to the kitchen and whacked on some tunes on the IPOD. Oh no, this old girl is not going to sit down and listen to some nice songs, chilling on the sofa,oh no, this old girl is going to dance about frantically, with wild abandonment to some wicked tunes toonz man, init, Stones - Sympathy for the devil, Wishbone Ash - Blowin Free, Guns - Welcome to the jungle, Summer breeze????? oops change songs, David Bowie Jean Genie, Yeah baby, look at my bad self, throwing some shapes!
It was a very good 30 mins, (nearly) of vigorous, heart pounding, head banging, sweat inducing session. I was just warming down to Landslide and All You Need Is love when my next little person arrived to be looked after. I did look a state, and the mummy said to me, 'you look worse than I do'. Of course I explained that I had just done an hours workout!........ Well if I looked that bad then I had to give a plausible reason why I looked that bad to the young beautiful, (even though she is rain soaked) mummy.
Weekend here, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend and then start all over again on Monday...
Sshhh quiet voices, sshhh nagging sister sshhhhh its the weekend, and I'm chilling, chilling I say!!!!
Now I can hear you all now saying its only rain, you wont fizz up and turn to slush in the middle of the path, but I just didn't want to go. This keep fit and staying fit lark is after all supposed to be enjoyable as well as healthy and good for you, so the thought of me going out there, in the rain, looking like nagging sister did (but on a sightly larger scale) did not appeal to me.
As it happens today I did get up very early for work, drove the little girl to her breakfast club and drove home again. I came home while the old man and son was still home getting ready for their days work/schooling and I made sure they were both out the housebefore I got down to business. I went up stairs pulled on my joggers and came down to the kitchen and whacked on some tunes on the IPOD. Oh no, this old girl is not going to sit down and listen to some nice songs, chilling on the sofa,oh no, this old girl is going to dance about frantically, with wild abandonment to some wicked tunes toonz man, init, Stones - Sympathy for the devil, Wishbone Ash - Blowin Free, Guns - Welcome to the jungle, Summer breeze????? oops change songs, David Bowie Jean Genie, Yeah baby, look at my bad self, throwing some shapes!
It was a very good 30 mins, (nearly) of vigorous, heart pounding, head banging, sweat inducing session. I was just warming down to Landslide and All You Need Is love when my next little person arrived to be looked after. I did look a state, and the mummy said to me, 'you look worse than I do'. Of course I explained that I had just done an hours workout!........ Well if I looked that bad then I had to give a plausible reason why I looked that bad to the young beautiful, (even though she is rain soaked) mummy.
Weekend here, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend and then start all over again on Monday...
Sshhh quiet voices, sshhh nagging sister sshhhhh its the weekend, and I'm chilling, chilling I say!!!!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Some One Tell Me Why!
I'm up, I'm up! Unlike yesterday, Wednesday! No I didn't go out yesterday, I didn't get up, and that still quiet voice saying to me 'Excuses excuses'. There wasn't an excuse, the reason was, I was being totally lazy and very rebel like with all the nagging voices in my head telling me to go.
By the time I did eventually get up then my work arrived, (Oh thank goodness my work arrives at my front door) so no way could I go jogging with a buggy. By the time the little un left it was far too dark for old girls to be out on there own. That's what I'm saying and I'm sticking to it.
But today was a different matter no work due at the door, the sun shining brightly in the sky and I'm awake after getting son off to school, those nagging voices refusing to be quiet, 'Come on up, get out that pit, move yourself'.
Digging in the bottom of the wardrobe for my faded joggers (they don't deserve to go on a hanger,) even they nag me, with the 'Athletic' in large letters across the bottom. Its like writing beauty queen across the face of the elephant man!
At least the chill of the morning is not there today, only the gorgeous sunshine encouraging me to do better. I set the stopwatch on my phone and head of to turn around lamppost. The school children are still going to school, so I need to look impressive, and fit and non scary to the kids as I huff and puff up the path, thank goodness the mums are with them! I see one family at the beginning of my run and I'm my 'fit' mind I was thinking that I wold see them again on my way back at 5 posts,keep reading, I will tell you more in a min. I was jogging past the kids and mums going to school, and each time I did I just had to carry on jogging, I mean, how would it look if I just jogged past them and then started walking after? Exactly.So maybe jogging this time of the day is like having nagging sister beside me, only less vocal.
On an on to turnaround lamppost, pushing my self harder with each set of school kids I pass and then finally get there 7 mins and something, I cant see, my eyes not focusing, but now for the journey home, the best bit! back down the ally, and do you remember the family I saw at the beginning, well they are in the ally, just a min or so behind me, looking totally refreshed and ready for their day, I grunted after the mum 'I'm so unfit' as I huffed and puffed my way past, and she cheerily said that she was too!
Nearly home, I must say that I did walk a fair bit but I picked up the pace and jogged past 12m lamppost, I wont tell you what my stopwatch is saying at this point, I as too busy watching the man with too large dogs one on a lead an one not. The strange thing is he is calling out to the no dog lead to @LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT So off course I stop jogging and walk past the man with two dogs and he is saying to me 'Don't worry love, he has a thing about joggers, but he's alright' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, why is he saying leave it, to the huge dog then, let him going past a big dog with the owner saying leave and see how he feels,mmmm.
Well it was a good time today, 16:30.57 and that still quiet voice in my head saying, well done, good for you........................better time tomorrow then??
Heres me after jogging, can you see the reflection shining off my pink t shirt, (!)
By the time I did eventually get up then my work arrived, (Oh thank goodness my work arrives at my front door) so no way could I go jogging with a buggy. By the time the little un left it was far too dark for old girls to be out on there own. That's what I'm saying and I'm sticking to it.
But today was a different matter no work due at the door, the sun shining brightly in the sky and I'm awake after getting son off to school, those nagging voices refusing to be quiet, 'Come on up, get out that pit, move yourself'.
Digging in the bottom of the wardrobe for my faded joggers (they don't deserve to go on a hanger,) even they nag me, with the 'Athletic' in large letters across the bottom. Its like writing beauty queen across the face of the elephant man!
At least the chill of the morning is not there today, only the gorgeous sunshine encouraging me to do better. I set the stopwatch on my phone and head of to turn around lamppost. The school children are still going to school, so I need to look impressive, and fit and non scary to the kids as I huff and puff up the path, thank goodness the mums are with them! I see one family at the beginning of my run and I'm my 'fit' mind I was thinking that I wold see them again on my way back at 5 posts,keep reading, I will tell you more in a min. I was jogging past the kids and mums going to school, and each time I did I just had to carry on jogging, I mean, how would it look if I just jogged past them and then started walking after? Exactly.So maybe jogging this time of the day is like having nagging sister beside me, only less vocal.
On an on to turnaround lamppost, pushing my self harder with each set of school kids I pass and then finally get there 7 mins and something, I cant see, my eyes not focusing, but now for the journey home, the best bit! back down the ally, and do you remember the family I saw at the beginning, well they are in the ally, just a min or so behind me, looking totally refreshed and ready for their day, I grunted after the mum 'I'm so unfit' as I huffed and puffed my way past, and she cheerily said that she was too!
Nearly home, I must say that I did walk a fair bit but I picked up the pace and jogged past 12m lamppost, I wont tell you what my stopwatch is saying at this point, I as too busy watching the man with too large dogs one on a lead an one not. The strange thing is he is calling out to the no dog lead to @LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT So off course I stop jogging and walk past the man with two dogs and he is saying to me 'Don't worry love, he has a thing about joggers, but he's alright' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, why is he saying leave it, to the huge dog then, let him going past a big dog with the owner saying leave and see how he feels,mmmm.
Well it was a good time today, 16:30.57 and that still quiet voice in my head saying, well done, good for you........................better time tomorrow then??
Heres me after jogging, can you see the reflection shining off my pink t shirt, (!)

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Get Me out of here, I'm Unfit!
So what are we on now, day 5 or 6 of my new, new regime? I cant remember, It seems like a life time ago that I started up my training/keep fit torture, cruelty, yet my body is thinking its the first day each time. Every jogging step is arduous and torturous. The cold air taunting me, telling me to go back inside, where unfit, old girl grannies stay knitting matinee jackets.
But, I closed the door with a firm bang, set the stopwatch and headed for that darn turnaround lamppost. No school children around to try and impress with my jogging skills and fitness levels, no nagging sister in front of me barking orders and no victim 2 to lean on, emotionally, for support. Just that still quiet voice in my head, COME ON OLD GIRL YOU YOU CAN DO IT, but the words that crept out of my mouth was 'You stupid old mare, go back home' Fortunately no-one was around to hear those utterances of a desperate unfit old girl.
Nothing unusual happened on the way, but I did give a huge pat on my back to say well done, as I had managed to jog even further today on the course, than yesterday. Yes well done old girl, well done indeed.
Seeing the couple walking their dog (slowly) made me jog further, I huffed and puffed up behind them and the duly gave way to me, unlike the dog, thank goodness he was on a lead, I know if he had jumped up at me I would have fallen over. On and on, turnaround lamppost my goal, I wish I could see it, still got to get to the ally first.
As you can imagine, I was talking to myself all the way to turnaround lamppost and back again, nagging, (wish nagging sister was here) Did I say that out loud? passing 12 min lamppost, jogging, walking, jogging, walking. My house in sight, waiting to hear nagging sister say 'Come on now sprint from here' but all I am hearing is my heavy breathing, my feet pounding the pavement in a walking pace! GET A MOVE ON and I sprint for my door. So its a shorter sprint than nagging sister would have made me do, but is she here? No exactly, Does she comment on my blog, No she doesn't, Does she have a blog account to encourage me, No she doesn't.
Hi sis, loves ya xxxx
p.s. nagging sister did mention what time I did the run and it was 17:03.07
But, I closed the door with a firm bang, set the stopwatch and headed for that darn turnaround lamppost. No school children around to try and impress with my jogging skills and fitness levels, no nagging sister in front of me barking orders and no victim 2 to lean on, emotionally, for support. Just that still quiet voice in my head, COME ON OLD GIRL YOU YOU CAN DO IT, but the words that crept out of my mouth was 'You stupid old mare, go back home' Fortunately no-one was around to hear those utterances of a desperate unfit old girl.
Nothing unusual happened on the way, but I did give a huge pat on my back to say well done, as I had managed to jog even further today on the course, than yesterday. Yes well done old girl, well done indeed.
Seeing the couple walking their dog (slowly) made me jog further, I huffed and puffed up behind them and the duly gave way to me, unlike the dog, thank goodness he was on a lead, I know if he had jumped up at me I would have fallen over. On and on, turnaround lamppost my goal, I wish I could see it, still got to get to the ally first.
As you can imagine, I was talking to myself all the way to turnaround lamppost and back again, nagging, (wish nagging sister was here) Did I say that out loud? passing 12 min lamppost, jogging, walking, jogging, walking. My house in sight, waiting to hear nagging sister say 'Come on now sprint from here' but all I am hearing is my heavy breathing, my feet pounding the pavement in a walking pace! GET A MOVE ON and I sprint for my door. So its a shorter sprint than nagging sister would have made me do, but is she here? No exactly, Does she comment on my blog, No she doesn't, Does she have a blog account to encourage me, No she doesn't.
Hi sis, loves ya xxxx
p.s. nagging sister did mention what time I did the run and it was 17:03.07
Monday, 9 November 2009
A misty Morning
I could quite happily stay in bed, yelling at son to get up and go to school. and then turn over and dream of how fit I am, how slim and young looking and..........sigh.
But that post on FB, that taunting (ok unwittingly) from nagging sister, that small quiet voice saying go on you can do it, had me out of my bed looking for my joggers and trainers.
Son was still in the house, probably looking surprised at his mum up, let alone dressed to go jogging, and I'm calling him to get ready, I don't expected to see him when I come back.
I opened the front door, felt the chill in the air, looked over the green and saw the mist still hanging there, 'just shut the door old girl, then get on with it, the bin collectors will wonder why you're standing around'' So I set the stop watch on the phone and set off with relief and a little pride. 'Yes nagging sister, yes, see who's out there in the morning, in the mist, before 9 o'clock in the morning, yeah, lets see what you got to say about that on F.B.'
Victim 2 will be so pleased with me, I did notice that she had taken the bait from nagging sister and threaten to go jogging with nagging sister Friday, I shall let you know if she survives her first day back after months of.........being a mummy, and as we all now is so exhausting and energy sapping anyway.
As you can see I am waffling on, to be honest, which I should be as I am writing to myself as well as all you other blog readers, the jog wasn't that brilliant, I did manage to run further this time than I did on Friday, which is good, but the journey back was full of........walking. And which each walked step I took I could hear nagging sister saying 'Get on with it, move yourself' Oh you don't know how easy it is and how brave I felt to say to invisible nagging sister, and to 'walk' casually along with invisible victim 2 but i was, 'No, cant jog, walking' I was power walking mind, didn't let the heart rate slow down too much, and I was only a min slower by the time I got to 12 min lamppost (its a lamppost I always check my time at, willing that its only 10 mins, but always says 12 something) I carry on to the end of the path to the road, 'Now old girl, jog, jog stop walking and jog' oh my goodness, I am now nagging myself, maybe I do miss nagging sister after all.
A little down the road I see a friend of mine holding the most adorable bundle of furry legs I have ever seen, a little puppy boxer. Now instead of saying or rather grunting a weak hello I stop and once I got my breath back start cooing over said little furry legs guy, with his little squashed nose and bouncy demeanor. A very welcome break, as we chatted with another neighbour too.
So my time in getting back to my home was........18:02.29 hmmm lets do better tomorrow.
But that post on FB, that taunting (ok unwittingly) from nagging sister, that small quiet voice saying go on you can do it, had me out of my bed looking for my joggers and trainers.
Son was still in the house, probably looking surprised at his mum up, let alone dressed to go jogging, and I'm calling him to get ready, I don't expected to see him when I come back.
I opened the front door, felt the chill in the air, looked over the green and saw the mist still hanging there, 'just shut the door old girl, then get on with it, the bin collectors will wonder why you're standing around'' So I set the stop watch on the phone and set off with relief and a little pride. 'Yes nagging sister, yes, see who's out there in the morning, in the mist, before 9 o'clock in the morning, yeah, lets see what you got to say about that on F.B.'
Victim 2 will be so pleased with me, I did notice that she had taken the bait from nagging sister and threaten to go jogging with nagging sister Friday, I shall let you know if she survives her first day back after months of.........being a mummy, and as we all now is so exhausting and energy sapping anyway.
As you can see I am waffling on, to be honest, which I should be as I am writing to myself as well as all you other blog readers, the jog wasn't that brilliant, I did manage to run further this time than I did on Friday, which is good, but the journey back was full of........walking. And which each walked step I took I could hear nagging sister saying 'Get on with it, move yourself' Oh you don't know how easy it is and how brave I felt to say to invisible nagging sister, and to 'walk' casually along with invisible victim 2 but i was, 'No, cant jog, walking' I was power walking mind, didn't let the heart rate slow down too much, and I was only a min slower by the time I got to 12 min lamppost (its a lamppost I always check my time at, willing that its only 10 mins, but always says 12 something) I carry on to the end of the path to the road, 'Now old girl, jog, jog stop walking and jog' oh my goodness, I am now nagging myself, maybe I do miss nagging sister after all.
A little down the road I see a friend of mine holding the most adorable bundle of furry legs I have ever seen, a little puppy boxer. Now instead of saying or rather grunting a weak hello I stop and once I got my breath back start cooing over said little furry legs guy, with his little squashed nose and bouncy demeanor. A very welcome break, as we chatted with another neighbour too.
So my time in getting back to my home was........18:02.29 hmmm lets do better tomorrow.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Hello blogger Lovers!
I have just woke up from this extraordinary dream, where I had decided to get fit and run in a race and everything, it was so exciting! so I decided that maybe I should do that, so starting yesterday I went for my first ever jog in years and years.
Ok, So I guess you're not buying that storey either, you must admit though, its not as far fetched as the alien abduction, right?
Yes I'm back, struggling even worse than last time but I'm out there jogging again. And would you believe it is exactly like the first time round, me on my own, the old girl, puffing and wheezing like and eighty year old.
This getting fit and saying fit, is the most hardest thing to do and to keep doing, If you are like me, you think once your there you can just ease back on the peddle and cruise along, Well let me tell you, its not. Throughout the time between blogs, I have tried to do more, but laying in bed thinking about doing that long jog to turn around lamppost and back does not actually constitute as actually doing
So yesterday, midweek and not, 'I'll start on Monday' day, a Wednesday, I pulled on my faded bottom emblazoned Athletic joggers and set off for a morning jog, 8.00 to be precises, and felt quite proud of myself as I headed for turn around lamppost. But that pride soon fell about my ankles, making me slower and more out of breath with each step. My goodness I got to get to the path first before I stat walking, but it is very hard going.
I wont give you the time on that jog, mainly in my out of breach, sweat in eyes state I pushed the wrong button. But Today I managed it again, getting up out of bed, pulling on joggers and trainers, only today, it was a little harder, a little later than 8.00 and a little less enthusiastic.
Come on old girl, get out there, don't forget what you saw on FB, NAGGING SISTER out jogging without you! Has nagging sister abandoned the lazy old girl too?!!
Ok, So I guess you're not buying that storey either, you must admit though, its not as far fetched as the alien abduction, right?
Yes I'm back, struggling even worse than last time but I'm out there jogging again. And would you believe it is exactly like the first time round, me on my own, the old girl, puffing and wheezing like and eighty year old.
This getting fit and saying fit, is the most hardest thing to do and to keep doing, If you are like me, you think once your there you can just ease back on the peddle and cruise along, Well let me tell you, its not. Throughout the time between blogs, I have tried to do more, but laying in bed thinking about doing that long jog to turn around lamppost and back does not actually constitute as actually doing
So yesterday, midweek and not, 'I'll start on Monday' day, a Wednesday, I pulled on my faded bottom emblazoned Athletic joggers and set off for a morning jog, 8.00 to be precises, and felt quite proud of myself as I headed for turn around lamppost. But that pride soon fell about my ankles, making me slower and more out of breath with each step. My goodness I got to get to the path first before I stat walking, but it is very hard going.
I wont give you the time on that jog, mainly in my out of breach, sweat in eyes state I pushed the wrong button. But Today I managed it again, getting up out of bed, pulling on joggers and trainers, only today, it was a little harder, a little later than 8.00 and a little less enthusiastic.
Come on old girl, get out there, don't forget what you saw on FB, NAGGING SISTER out jogging without you! Has nagging sister abandoned the lazy old girl too?!!
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