Monday, 9 November 2009

A misty Morning

I could quite happily stay in bed, yelling at son to get up and go to school. and then turn over and dream of how fit I am, how slim and young looking and..........sigh.

But that post on FB, that taunting (ok unwittingly) from nagging sister, that small quiet voice saying go on you can do it, had me out of my bed looking for my joggers and trainers.

Son was still in the house, probably looking surprised at his mum up, let alone dressed to go jogging, and I'm calling him to get ready, I don't expected to see him when I come back.

I opened the front door, felt the chill in the air, looked over the green and saw the mist still hanging there, 'just shut the door old girl, then get on with it, the bin collectors will wonder why you're standing around'' So I set the stop watch on the phone and set off with relief and a little pride. 'Yes nagging sister, yes, see who's out there in the morning, in the mist, before 9 o'clock in the morning, yeah, lets see what you got to say about that on F.B.'

Victim 2 will be so pleased with me, I did notice that she had taken the bait from nagging sister and threaten to go jogging with nagging sister Friday, I shall let you know if she survives her first day back after months of.........being a mummy, and as we all now is so exhausting and energy sapping anyway.

As you can see I am waffling on, to be honest, which I should be as I am writing to myself as well as all you other blog readers, the jog wasn't that brilliant, I did manage to run further this time than I did on Friday, which is good, but the journey back was full of........walking. And which each walked step I took I could hear nagging sister saying 'Get on with it, move yourself' Oh you don't know how easy it is and how brave I felt to say to invisible nagging sister, and to 'walk' casually along with invisible victim 2 but i was, 'No, cant jog, walking' I was power walking mind, didn't let the heart rate slow down too much, and I was only a min slower by the time I got to 12 min lamppost (its a lamppost I always check my time at, willing that its only 10 mins, but always says 12 something) I carry on to the end of the path to the road, 'Now old girl, jog, jog stop walking and jog' oh my goodness, I am now nagging myself, maybe I do miss nagging sister after all.

A little down the road I see a friend of mine holding the most adorable bundle of furry legs I have ever seen, a little puppy boxer. Now instead of saying or rather grunting a weak hello I stop and once I got my breath back start cooing over said little furry legs guy, with his little squashed nose and bouncy demeanor. A very welcome break, as we chatted with another neighbour too.

So my time in getting back to my home was........18:02.29 hmmm lets do better tomorrow.