By the time I did eventually get up then my work arrived, (Oh thank goodness my work arrives at my front door) so no way could I go jogging with a buggy. By the time the little un left it was far too dark for old girls to be out on there own. That's what I'm saying and I'm sticking to it.
But today was a different matter no work due at the door, the sun shining brightly in the sky and I'm awake after getting son off to school, those nagging voices refusing to be quiet, 'Come on up, get out that pit, move yourself'.
Digging in the bottom of the wardrobe for my faded joggers (they don't deserve to go on a hanger,) even they nag me, with the 'Athletic' in large letters across the bottom. Its like writing beauty queen across the face of the elephant man!
At least the chill of the morning is not there today, only the gorgeous sunshine encouraging me to do better. I set the stopwatch on my phone and head of to turn around lamppost. The school children are still going to school, so I need to look impressive, and fit and non scary to the kids as I huff and puff up the path, thank goodness the mums are with them! I see one family at the beginning of my run and I'm my 'fit' mind I was thinking that I wold see them again on my way back at 5 posts,keep reading, I will tell you more in a min. I was jogging past the kids and mums going to school, and each time I did I just had to carry on jogging, I mean, how would it look if I just jogged past them and then started walking after? Exactly.So maybe jogging this time of the day is like having nagging sister beside me, only less vocal.
On an on to turnaround lamppost, pushing my self harder with each set of school kids I pass and then finally get there 7 mins and something, I cant see, my eyes not focusing, but now for the journey home, the best bit! back down the ally, and do you remember the family I saw at the beginning, well they are in the ally, just a min or so behind me, looking totally refreshed and ready for their day, I grunted after the mum 'I'm so unfit' as I huffed and puffed my way past, and she cheerily said that she was too!
Nearly home, I must say that I did walk a fair bit but I picked up the pace and jogged past 12m lamppost, I wont tell you what my stopwatch is saying at this point, I as too busy watching the man with too large dogs one on a lead an one not. The strange thing is he is calling out to the no dog lead to @LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT So off course I stop jogging and walk past the man with two dogs and he is saying to me 'Don't worry love, he has a thing about joggers, but he's alright' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, why is he saying leave it, to the huge dog then, let him going past a big dog with the owner saying leave and see how he feels,mmmm.
Well it was a good time today, 16:30.57 and that still quiet voice in my head saying, well done, good for you........................better time tomorrow then??
Heres me after jogging, can you see the reflection shining off my pink t shirt, (!)