Monday, 9 March 2009

Almost there.

Hello blog readers!

I am so pleased to tell you that I actually got of my (increasing) backside last week (Tuesday 3rd March) and actually did some form or exercise!

Its all down to nagging sister of course, it was her phone call Tuesday morning saying 'Hope you got your jogger bottoms on, because I shall be there shortly' I just could not think of an excuse quickly enough to deter nagging sister, I stumbled, and stammered and hum and arrghh-ed but nothing, no excuses, not reasons, no bones could I break, (even though I thought that was a little too extreme)

So upstairs, (why don't I get a Stanna in this house) looking for my jogging bottoms, all the time muttering under my breath all the excuses now that came flooding in to my head. Why can you never think of these things when you want them.

Nagging sister knocking on the door, it seems in double quick time, surely she must have broke the speed limit to get here. There she is, oh yes.....looking lovely as ever, the mascara, the eyeshadow, the blush and the lippy, How? Why? Does she not sweat this ........person standing in front of me 'Have you warmed up today'
'NO!' I says at her,'I wasn't even planning of doing jogging, the only thing I had planned to day is what I do after jogging,.....sitting down!'

Outside in the brisk air, thank goodness the sun is shining, at least it puts me in the right frame of mind, and we start off gently, ever so gently up to turn around lamppost. I had already told nagging sister that I probably couldn't even dream of doing the two mile jog straight off, not after all the time in the space ship.....ok....acting as couch potato for the family, Apparently every family has one and it was my turn on the couch! Actually, this is too bad, nagging sister and I are conversing, the sun is shining, I don't know what the fuss was all about, but still, turn around lamppost and back again, just to break us in again.

The path to our goal post is still littered with unscrupulous dog owners dogs doing, yes I still blame those pesky dog owners for not cleaning up after their beloved pets, after all where would the dogs keep the poop bags?!! A question I don't suppose many of you have asked your selves. Nagging sister still chatting away, I on the other hand have decided that I would listen, as listening was so much easier that talking and jogging, with an occasional grunt in the right place. Turn around lamppost in sight, and no pain as yet. I thinking we did pretty good for the split time, but when I checked my stopwatch we were two minuets more than I expected!!! Maybe I could make up for it on the way back. A ten second break and then hit the poop covered path for the jog back home, and that wonderful, cool, inviting couch at my house.

When we were half way back home the pain kicked in, the sweat poured out and my breath was some way back towards turn around lamppost. 'Come on don't walk now, we're nearly home' says nagging sister, looking like ......ggrrrr..... you all know the drill by now, I can't even write it anymore, 'Come on you can do this, you did last year' Oh how I remember last year, yes I did it, yes I could jog along for two miles, BUT I HAD TRAINED FOR MONTHS TO DO THAT, NAGGING SISTER! The thought of sprinting along the last ten feet was filling me with dread, let along for the last two hundred feet. But nagging sister I know would insist that is what is going to happen.

Here is torture point, at last my couch is just a minute away, deep breath, head down 'Oh you're jogging again' I hear those sweet sweet words cutting through my thoughts' 'Yes, yes I am' I say to my mother in law, as she tends to her garden what was really going in my head was 'Yes, yes I can stop and have a rest' Just a quick stop, a few more sentences and the pain, which I was trying to ignore, subsides and I say a grateful cheerio and look to hit the torture point with renewed vigour.

Head down, deep breaths, now run, run run run, in front of nagging sister now, maybe she didn't think I could do it, ha, run run run, still in front of nagging sister, my house looking ever so lovely, filling up my view, then nagging sister comes past, 'Come on old girl, all the way to the end' whizzing past me heading for MY house, MY lovely cool inviting couch. No!! I start to dwindle now, looking only at nagging sister, leaning up against my door, oh no, not in an exhausting, going to collapse any second type of leaning, but a oh my goodness look at the pitiful site heading towards me, type of leaning. In through the back door, I don't have enough energy to lift up my key to ope the front door and head straight for for sofa. 17 mins 49 seconds, That is only just fast than the very first time I reached turnaround lamppost this time last year!!! All that hard work, where did it all go.

But that was not the only day that I did excise's, oh no, I'm thinking I'm on a roll here and Thursday evening, up at my local church, along with the DVD or Rosemery Conly and her gang I was there with my gang, Ok, again this week it was just the two of us, but we were there, we were keeping up with Rosemery and we even chatted, just for a while. Again the sweat was coming out of the top of my head, into my eyes, at least then I couldn't see Roses, smiley, perfect makeup, nagging sister type face staring at me through the screen. But half an hour or the fat burning workout, and the GI toning section does seem to create a lot of moisture to pour down my face, could this really be doing me good.

The incentive to do well that evening was some rather big delicious looking strawberries that were waiting for us in the kitchen, mmmm, I suppose its so much better that reaching for the biscuits.

So Blog readers, its now Monday and instead of jogging today I wrote this, but at least you can all see that I have started again, and you never know, nagging sister will drag me out of my house again tomorrow morning.