Monday, 11 August 2008
Honesty Is The Best Policy.
Well Hi blog spotters. Yes I know its been a while since I last blogged anything, but, and I am being very honest here, its been a while since I did any sort of keep fit. I have plenty of excuses, and they are only excuses, up until the children's school holidays, and now the school holidays are here, I have valid reasons reasons. Valid reasons not to do any form of exercise.
Reason 1 The kids are off school, they can't possible keep up and do two miles joggiing
Answer Then go in the evening!
Reply Can't possible do that, dinner to cook, eat and clean up, plus all those lovely soaps on the t.v. to catch up on.
Reason 2 I hurt my back, (the other week) and high impact exercises is not
good for me.
Answer Then go swimming, that is very good exercise and very gently on
your back!
Reply NO! NO! NO! my hair will go curly (Ok so its vanity that's stopping this
particular course of action,but its all I have)
Reason 3 I have no other reasons or excuses, apart from laziness and it will change
when the kids back at school, Honest
Answer Get off your backside and do something, NOW
Reply (silence)
As you can see bloggers, the schizophrenia still here, nagging sister, is also still on the scene but she too as become a little lazier during the school holidays, (only doing 3 badmington classes a week instead of 3 classes and jogging everyday). And new recruit is aparantly really missing nagging sisters nagging. Some people you just cant help. (Mind you, please don't tell nagging sister this, I am missing the jogging and the nagging too) Can you tell that we have not been to see a therapist yet. So I'm sure once the kids are back at school we shall be back to our fit selves again.
But in the meantime, my diet, I could tell you about my diet. But alas that too has taken a nose dive since the Race for life, by the way, between all of us
that was in our group we raised well over a thousand pounds for cancer research UK, so we are all very pleased with ourselves, I have included a picture of us all in this blog, but do go and see some of the other pictures on my other blog.
Oh yes diets. well, I am still eating healthily, just not every single day, the odd takeaway curry has made a very welcome comeback, oh how I have missed those, not to say that my home made curry is of less superior quality you understand, but its just all the accompliments that go with a takeaway curry, hmmm yum yum. (Homer Simpson moment) And the delicious house special kebab has managed to cross the threshold again. But still not too bad on the hole. Oh yes and we have been eating out, and pints of lager etc etc etc. But still not too bad, one has to live, and to be happy living, right?
So watch this space, you will see a different person here in a couple of months time, Honest!!

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