Two days in a row, now maybe nagging sister will be more lenient about the whole jog to the park, jog round the park and jog home again scenario! Maybe the still quiet voices will ease off over this festive season AND GIVE ME A BREAK! But I doubt it. Encouragement is what they call it, I call it constant whining.
Yet here I am, blogging, which as you probably guessed by now, means I went out jogging again. On my way to the path I spied a fellow runner. He was jogging way ahead of me, I was thinking 'Good, get ahead, then you wont hear me wheezing behind you' He looked quite fit, running almost, so there was no way I would catch him up. Breathe a sigh of relief. But, wait, he's stopped, he's walking, oh no I'm catching him up. I almost cried out 'Keep going mate' but of course the only sounds coming from me was my heavy breathing. He must have heard this because he looked round and then moved to side of the path. 'Oh no, I'm going to have to pass this fellow jogger, with me wheezing and puffing like a broken down traction engine' As I got nearer I realised that maybe he wasn't a feller jogger, he was wearing painting overalls, oh thank goodness, he is just late for work. 'Alright' said the late worker, 'huh rrr aaah' I said back to him as I passed him. But that put me in a dilemma. Do I walk some of the way when I know he can still see me, or do I carry on till the alley before I walk between the lampposts. I didn't want to look like a pathetic old girl trying to beat old father time, but then again, today I was achy from yesterdays jog.
In the end I opted to push myself to the alley and even through the ally until I saw turn around lamppost. Yes! walk now, walk. As I stopped jogging a rush off something went to my head, I'm sure it was euphoria! Oh wow this feels good, just walking, but of course, those nagging voices which never seem to leave me urged me to go on.
Touching turn around lamppost and heading on the home stretch I half expected to see late for work man, but it seems he disappeared! I looked to my left thinking maybe he gone across the park, but no sign of him. Was this a figment of my imagination just to get me pushing myself, has my delusions now taken on a new dimension of hallucinations? Hmmm. Its a worry. I could become the fittest person in the asylum at this rate.
........What?........Sorry? ...... Oh the time! well I am quite pleased with that it was 16:03.50
So doctors! maybe I'm not so daft after all if I am getting fitter.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
I thought I would have a reason for not going out today, I didn't have one yesterday, I must admit, so beat me up for it (OOOOO The old girl is getting bolshy), but today again no reason why I shouldn't go out.
No work today, not even the rug rats pen opened today, so what did I do? I sat on the computer checking Santa has the right things for my expanding brood. Checking done, then the silent voices start in, in fact they hardly seem like silent voices any more. After hearing what nagging sister has planned for us next year (Its torture, believe me) the silent voices wouldn't let me sit and stare at the screen, longing for all the goodies Santa could bring me.
Now I expect you're all reading this thinking I didn't go, well your wrong. It was hard getting up, but I though to my self, 'I could sit here, in my chilled house, or go out and do your self some good' (it is good, isn't it?)
Up the stairs, into my joggers and out the door before I could talk myself out of it, and smother those voices with a pillow, did just say that out loud?.
I did pretty well, I managed to run all the way to the ally today non stop, even ran through some of the ally, looking at turnaround lamppost through the hedgerow, ohh how I love that lamppost. I don't stay to long with my fav lamppost anymore, I hope its not feeling neglected, there is no stretching in between, just a quick touch and the my fav lamppost is behind me.
Heading back I'm thinking I'm doing well here, I don't want to check my stop watch, just in case, just in case the time is not quit what I think it should be, just in case its telling me I have done really badly and that I should push myself harder! I can see 12 min lamppost up ahead of me now, and then I look, 'Damn old girl, what you do that for!' 13:40 and I'm not even near it yet. Now I'm going to have to push myself. As you can imagine, this wonderful glow on my face, sweet kisses of sweat on my brow....... what?.......WHAT!........ Oh yes, you have all seen my pic of me looking 'glowing'. Well, there I was a big pink blob drenched in a bucket of sweat arguing with myself to go faster, go harder, just GO!
Well the time wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, 16:28.63. Still I know I have done so much better in the past! And I will get there again, AND BEAT MY P.B.
Till next time bloggers, and I'm not promising its going to be tomorrow!
No work today, not even the rug rats pen opened today, so what did I do? I sat on the computer checking Santa has the right things for my expanding brood. Checking done, then the silent voices start in, in fact they hardly seem like silent voices any more. After hearing what nagging sister has planned for us next year (Its torture, believe me) the silent voices wouldn't let me sit and stare at the screen, longing for all the goodies Santa could bring me.
Now I expect you're all reading this thinking I didn't go, well your wrong. It was hard getting up, but I though to my self, 'I could sit here, in my chilled house, or go out and do your self some good' (it is good, isn't it?)
Up the stairs, into my joggers and out the door before I could talk myself out of it, and smother those voices with a pillow, did just say that out loud?.
I did pretty well, I managed to run all the way to the ally today non stop, even ran through some of the ally, looking at turnaround lamppost through the hedgerow, ohh how I love that lamppost. I don't stay to long with my fav lamppost anymore, I hope its not feeling neglected, there is no stretching in between, just a quick touch and the my fav lamppost is behind me.
Heading back I'm thinking I'm doing well here, I don't want to check my stop watch, just in case, just in case the time is not quit what I think it should be, just in case its telling me I have done really badly and that I should push myself harder! I can see 12 min lamppost up ahead of me now, and then I look, 'Damn old girl, what you do that for!' 13:40 and I'm not even near it yet. Now I'm going to have to push myself. As you can imagine, this wonderful glow on my face, sweet kisses of sweat on my brow....... what?.......WHAT!........ Oh yes, you have all seen my pic of me looking 'glowing'. Well, there I was a big pink blob drenched in a bucket of sweat arguing with myself to go faster, go harder, just GO!
Well the time wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, 16:28.63. Still I know I have done so much better in the past! And I will get there again, AND BEAT MY P.B.
Till next time bloggers, and I'm not promising its going to be tomorrow!
Friday, 4 December 2009
How Time Flies!
Today is Friday 4th December, and it has been a while since my last blog. My goodness, is there a priest in the house!
I could tell you all sorts of lies, but I'm sure you blog readers just know! You know where I have been, you know what I have not been doing, you know the fact that I, me, the old girl, has been sitting on her backside again, looking at the rain, saying 'No way am I going out in that' But I also know that you read my blog, and it said that if I didn't going jogging I would prance around in my kitchen for half an hour.
Again I know that you know, that that never happened! I developed a severe strain of lazyitus, it completely knocked me for six,.......maybe seven or eight (bars of choccie, pints of beer)
But, always a trier, always keep saying 'This is a new day, start again.' So I woke up from a wonderful dream, the sun was shining, blue skies, it looked lovely out there, then the still small voice saying, 'the sun shining, blue skies, its lovely out, get your ass out there now' Of course I do what most people suffering from lazyitus do, I pulled the covers over my head and tried desperately to get back to that wonderful dream.
The voices won, I got up, muttering as I pulled on my joggers, saying 'What a ridiculous thing I'm doing, a woman of my age, a nanny for goodness sake' Grabbing my tee shirt, yanking it over my head, muttering again 'Just take the car, go to the wool shop and buy some knitting needles and wool'
I'm not sure if talking to oneself means that you are in a bad place, and when the voices you have been 'chatting' to win the argument then I'm sure its time for treatment. All the same, here I am, outside my house, lovely blue skies sun shine....... and a chill! Brrrr, set the stopwatch and off I go. Even now I am arguing with myself saying just do the short route, and again I listened to the 'others', nagging sister included, and went the way of the well jogged path.
At that time of day, there was no one around, children all gone to school, golfers busy plotting where there ball needs to land, so the only one I had to 'impress' was me. Now that is not too hard, I'm easily impressed. The fact that I got out of bed before 10 impressed me! So I wasn't hoping for a impressive times, or complete endurance to reach turn around lamppost today, but I was going to push myself, get beyond that last lamppost where I stopped before, jog all the through the ally to turn around lamppost and back again. Say to my self 'walk from the next lamppost' but carry on to the next before I do.
Well it worked. I did all those things, but the time was not so good, but I still feel pretty good about it, the time was 16:11.17, mmmmm not good, but not bad.
So still small voice, nagging sister, blog readers, I am still here..........just about!
I could tell you all sorts of lies, but I'm sure you blog readers just know! You know where I have been, you know what I have not been doing, you know the fact that I, me, the old girl, has been sitting on her backside again, looking at the rain, saying 'No way am I going out in that' But I also know that you read my blog, and it said that if I didn't going jogging I would prance around in my kitchen for half an hour.
Again I know that you know, that that never happened! I developed a severe strain of lazyitus, it completely knocked me for six,.......maybe seven or eight (bars of choccie, pints of beer)
But, always a trier, always keep saying 'This is a new day, start again.' So I woke up from a wonderful dream, the sun was shining, blue skies, it looked lovely out there, then the still small voice saying, 'the sun shining, blue skies, its lovely out, get your ass out there now' Of course I do what most people suffering from lazyitus do, I pulled the covers over my head and tried desperately to get back to that wonderful dream.
The voices won, I got up, muttering as I pulled on my joggers, saying 'What a ridiculous thing I'm doing, a woman of my age, a nanny for goodness sake' Grabbing my tee shirt, yanking it over my head, muttering again 'Just take the car, go to the wool shop and buy some knitting needles and wool'
I'm not sure if talking to oneself means that you are in a bad place, and when the voices you have been 'chatting' to win the argument then I'm sure its time for treatment. All the same, here I am, outside my house, lovely blue skies sun shine....... and a chill! Brrrr, set the stopwatch and off I go. Even now I am arguing with myself saying just do the short route, and again I listened to the 'others', nagging sister included, and went the way of the well jogged path.
At that time of day, there was no one around, children all gone to school, golfers busy plotting where there ball needs to land, so the only one I had to 'impress' was me. Now that is not too hard, I'm easily impressed. The fact that I got out of bed before 10 impressed me! So I wasn't hoping for a impressive times, or complete endurance to reach turn around lamppost today, but I was going to push myself, get beyond that last lamppost where I stopped before, jog all the through the ally to turn around lamppost and back again. Say to my self 'walk from the next lamppost' but carry on to the next before I do.
Well it worked. I did all those things, but the time was not so good, but I still feel pretty good about it, the time was 16:11.17, mmmmm not good, but not bad.
So still small voice, nagging sister, blog readers, I am still here..........just about!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
I can feel you all 'reading' my blog, wondering where I have been. And I can feel you all silently nagging me from your nice comfy seats reading this saying, she lost it again. Well I haven't, I just got slightly waylaid.
Ok, so on Monday, it was hissing down with rain, and it was cold and grey and no-body in their right mind, who didn't have to be out there would have been out there, (Well maybe nagging sister, the martyr) but I did say right mind. So instead I started up my comp in the hope of doing some work, spread sheets! Excel! All day on that darn thing, forgot to do any form of exercise, just this darn spread sheets, which wasn't doing what I wanted it to do! I was pleasantly distracted for a while, (Facebook) reading every ones up dates, looking at new pictures, etc....... I'm sure you all have done it right?
Tuesday again, was a bad day for the exercise because of ........ something...... which I assure you was very important! (Oh dear why cant I remember what I did) ....
oh yes, there was the banking to do. See I told you in was important.
And Wednesday, well yesterday was a different day all together. Yesterday was the second anniversary for my mums passing. The wind was fierce yesterday, reminding me of the very moment that mum went. 'I wonder if that is the wind coming for mum' I said to my brother as we were outside the house having a ciggie (yes I know). And it was. She was the inspiration for all this keep fit thing happening, she was the reason why there were 20 or so of us getting off our lazy backsides and doing something to raise money for cancer research. Mum and dad and everybody else who has suffered or been affected by cancer is the reason why I am still struggling to keep fit. We missed out on this years Race for life, but next year, 2010, I shall be entering again, with mum and dad on my mind.
So today, after a firm telling off by me, yes nagging sister I nagged my self, as well as your nagging voice in my head and the silent voices that are willing me to do well, I was also nagging myself, I got out of my pit pulled on my joggers and opened the door. The wind is about again and blew some dirt in my eye. I went back inside and decided, 'Maybe jogging in high winds is not the best idea' so with a smile on my face I whacked on the old mans IPOD and danced. I love dancing, and, to be fair, because I can feel you saying, 'JUST GET OUT THERE YOU WIMP when I do dance about in my kitchen I do so for at least 30 mins, which is of course as you know, more heart pumping, sweat inducing time then jogging for just over 15 mins.
So can you all stop nagging me now, please?
Ok, so on Monday, it was hissing down with rain, and it was cold and grey and no-body in their right mind, who didn't have to be out there would have been out there, (Well maybe nagging sister, the martyr) but I did say right mind. So instead I started up my comp in the hope of doing some work, spread sheets! Excel! All day on that darn thing, forgot to do any form of exercise, just this darn spread sheets, which wasn't doing what I wanted it to do! I was pleasantly distracted for a while, (Facebook) reading every ones up dates, looking at new pictures, etc....... I'm sure you all have done it right?
Tuesday again, was a bad day for the exercise because of ........ something...... which I assure you was very important! (Oh dear why cant I remember what I did) ....
oh yes, there was the banking to do. See I told you in was important.
And Wednesday, well yesterday was a different day all together. Yesterday was the second anniversary for my mums passing. The wind was fierce yesterday, reminding me of the very moment that mum went. 'I wonder if that is the wind coming for mum' I said to my brother as we were outside the house having a ciggie (yes I know). And it was. She was the inspiration for all this keep fit thing happening, she was the reason why there were 20 or so of us getting off our lazy backsides and doing something to raise money for cancer research. Mum and dad and everybody else who has suffered or been affected by cancer is the reason why I am still struggling to keep fit. We missed out on this years Race for life, but next year, 2010, I shall be entering again, with mum and dad on my mind.
So today, after a firm telling off by me, yes nagging sister I nagged my self, as well as your nagging voice in my head and the silent voices that are willing me to do well, I was also nagging myself, I got out of my pit pulled on my joggers and opened the door. The wind is about again and blew some dirt in my eye. I went back inside and decided, 'Maybe jogging in high winds is not the best idea' so with a smile on my face I whacked on the old mans IPOD and danced. I love dancing, and, to be fair, because I can feel you saying, 'JUST GET OUT THERE YOU WIMP when I do dance about in my kitchen I do so for at least 30 mins, which is of course as you know, more heart pumping, sweat inducing time then jogging for just over 15 mins.
So can you all stop nagging me now, please?
Friday, 13 November 2009
Friday 13th!
Now I am not superstitious, and I didn't stay in bed where its nice a warm, away from path crossing black cats and ladders over the pavements, but all the same I didn't venture out in the rain to go jogging.
Now I can hear you all now saying its only rain, you wont fizz up and turn to slush in the middle of the path, but I just didn't want to go. This keep fit and staying fit lark is after all supposed to be enjoyable as well as healthy and good for you, so the thought of me going out there, in the rain, looking like nagging sister did (but on a sightly larger scale) did not appeal to me.
As it happens today I did get up very early for work, drove the little girl to her breakfast club and drove home again. I came home while the old man and son was still home getting ready for their days work/schooling and I made sure they were both out the housebefore I got down to business. I went up stairs pulled on my joggers and came down to the kitchen and whacked on some tunes on the IPOD. Oh no, this old girl is not going to sit down and listen to some nice songs, chilling on the sofa,oh no, this old girl is going to dance about frantically, with wild abandonment to some wicked tunes toonz man, init, Stones - Sympathy for the devil, Wishbone Ash - Blowin Free, Guns - Welcome to the jungle, Summer breeze????? oops change songs, David Bowie Jean Genie, Yeah baby, look at my bad self, throwing some shapes!
It was a very good 30 mins, (nearly) of vigorous, heart pounding, head banging, sweat inducing session. I was just warming down to Landslide and All You Need Is love when my next little person arrived to be looked after. I did look a state, and the mummy said to me, 'you look worse than I do'. Of course I explained that I had just done an hours workout!........ Well if I looked that bad then I had to give a plausible reason why I looked that bad to the young beautiful, (even though she is rain soaked) mummy.
Weekend here, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend and then start all over again on Monday...
Sshhh quiet voices, sshhh nagging sister sshhhhh its the weekend, and I'm chilling, chilling I say!!!!
Now I can hear you all now saying its only rain, you wont fizz up and turn to slush in the middle of the path, but I just didn't want to go. This keep fit and staying fit lark is after all supposed to be enjoyable as well as healthy and good for you, so the thought of me going out there, in the rain, looking like nagging sister did (but on a sightly larger scale) did not appeal to me.
As it happens today I did get up very early for work, drove the little girl to her breakfast club and drove home again. I came home while the old man and son was still home getting ready for their days work/schooling and I made sure they were both out the housebefore I got down to business. I went up stairs pulled on my joggers and came down to the kitchen and whacked on some tunes on the IPOD. Oh no, this old girl is not going to sit down and listen to some nice songs, chilling on the sofa,oh no, this old girl is going to dance about frantically, with wild abandonment to some wicked tunes toonz man, init, Stones - Sympathy for the devil, Wishbone Ash - Blowin Free, Guns - Welcome to the jungle, Summer breeze????? oops change songs, David Bowie Jean Genie, Yeah baby, look at my bad self, throwing some shapes!
It was a very good 30 mins, (nearly) of vigorous, heart pounding, head banging, sweat inducing session. I was just warming down to Landslide and All You Need Is love when my next little person arrived to be looked after. I did look a state, and the mummy said to me, 'you look worse than I do'. Of course I explained that I had just done an hours workout!........ Well if I looked that bad then I had to give a plausible reason why I looked that bad to the young beautiful, (even though she is rain soaked) mummy.
Weekend here, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend and then start all over again on Monday...
Sshhh quiet voices, sshhh nagging sister sshhhhh its the weekend, and I'm chilling, chilling I say!!!!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Some One Tell Me Why!
I'm up, I'm up! Unlike yesterday, Wednesday! No I didn't go out yesterday, I didn't get up, and that still quiet voice saying to me 'Excuses excuses'. There wasn't an excuse, the reason was, I was being totally lazy and very rebel like with all the nagging voices in my head telling me to go.
By the time I did eventually get up then my work arrived, (Oh thank goodness my work arrives at my front door) so no way could I go jogging with a buggy. By the time the little un left it was far too dark for old girls to be out on there own. That's what I'm saying and I'm sticking to it.
But today was a different matter no work due at the door, the sun shining brightly in the sky and I'm awake after getting son off to school, those nagging voices refusing to be quiet, 'Come on up, get out that pit, move yourself'.
Digging in the bottom of the wardrobe for my faded joggers (they don't deserve to go on a hanger,) even they nag me, with the 'Athletic' in large letters across the bottom. Its like writing beauty queen across the face of the elephant man!
At least the chill of the morning is not there today, only the gorgeous sunshine encouraging me to do better. I set the stopwatch on my phone and head of to turn around lamppost. The school children are still going to school, so I need to look impressive, and fit and non scary to the kids as I huff and puff up the path, thank goodness the mums are with them! I see one family at the beginning of my run and I'm my 'fit' mind I was thinking that I wold see them again on my way back at 5 posts,keep reading, I will tell you more in a min. I was jogging past the kids and mums going to school, and each time I did I just had to carry on jogging, I mean, how would it look if I just jogged past them and then started walking after? Exactly.So maybe jogging this time of the day is like having nagging sister beside me, only less vocal.
On an on to turnaround lamppost, pushing my self harder with each set of school kids I pass and then finally get there 7 mins and something, I cant see, my eyes not focusing, but now for the journey home, the best bit! back down the ally, and do you remember the family I saw at the beginning, well they are in the ally, just a min or so behind me, looking totally refreshed and ready for their day, I grunted after the mum 'I'm so unfit' as I huffed and puffed my way past, and she cheerily said that she was too!
Nearly home, I must say that I did walk a fair bit but I picked up the pace and jogged past 12m lamppost, I wont tell you what my stopwatch is saying at this point, I as too busy watching the man with too large dogs one on a lead an one not. The strange thing is he is calling out to the no dog lead to @LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT So off course I stop jogging and walk past the man with two dogs and he is saying to me 'Don't worry love, he has a thing about joggers, but he's alright' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, why is he saying leave it, to the huge dog then, let him going past a big dog with the owner saying leave and see how he feels,mmmm.
Well it was a good time today, 16:30.57 and that still quiet voice in my head saying, well done, good for you........................better time tomorrow then??
Heres me after jogging, can you see the reflection shining off my pink t shirt, (!)
By the time I did eventually get up then my work arrived, (Oh thank goodness my work arrives at my front door) so no way could I go jogging with a buggy. By the time the little un left it was far too dark for old girls to be out on there own. That's what I'm saying and I'm sticking to it.
But today was a different matter no work due at the door, the sun shining brightly in the sky and I'm awake after getting son off to school, those nagging voices refusing to be quiet, 'Come on up, get out that pit, move yourself'.
Digging in the bottom of the wardrobe for my faded joggers (they don't deserve to go on a hanger,) even they nag me, with the 'Athletic' in large letters across the bottom. Its like writing beauty queen across the face of the elephant man!
At least the chill of the morning is not there today, only the gorgeous sunshine encouraging me to do better. I set the stopwatch on my phone and head of to turn around lamppost. The school children are still going to school, so I need to look impressive, and fit and non scary to the kids as I huff and puff up the path, thank goodness the mums are with them! I see one family at the beginning of my run and I'm my 'fit' mind I was thinking that I wold see them again on my way back at 5 posts,keep reading, I will tell you more in a min. I was jogging past the kids and mums going to school, and each time I did I just had to carry on jogging, I mean, how would it look if I just jogged past them and then started walking after? Exactly.So maybe jogging this time of the day is like having nagging sister beside me, only less vocal.
On an on to turnaround lamppost, pushing my self harder with each set of school kids I pass and then finally get there 7 mins and something, I cant see, my eyes not focusing, but now for the journey home, the best bit! back down the ally, and do you remember the family I saw at the beginning, well they are in the ally, just a min or so behind me, looking totally refreshed and ready for their day, I grunted after the mum 'I'm so unfit' as I huffed and puffed my way past, and she cheerily said that she was too!
Nearly home, I must say that I did walk a fair bit but I picked up the pace and jogged past 12m lamppost, I wont tell you what my stopwatch is saying at this point, I as too busy watching the man with too large dogs one on a lead an one not. The strange thing is he is calling out to the no dog lead to @LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT So off course I stop jogging and walk past the man with two dogs and he is saying to me 'Don't worry love, he has a thing about joggers, but he's alright' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, why is he saying leave it, to the huge dog then, let him going past a big dog with the owner saying leave and see how he feels,mmmm.
Well it was a good time today, 16:30.57 and that still quiet voice in my head saying, well done, good for you........................better time tomorrow then??
Heres me after jogging, can you see the reflection shining off my pink t shirt, (!)

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Get Me out of here, I'm Unfit!
So what are we on now, day 5 or 6 of my new, new regime? I cant remember, It seems like a life time ago that I started up my training/keep fit torture, cruelty, yet my body is thinking its the first day each time. Every jogging step is arduous and torturous. The cold air taunting me, telling me to go back inside, where unfit, old girl grannies stay knitting matinee jackets.
But, I closed the door with a firm bang, set the stopwatch and headed for that darn turnaround lamppost. No school children around to try and impress with my jogging skills and fitness levels, no nagging sister in front of me barking orders and no victim 2 to lean on, emotionally, for support. Just that still quiet voice in my head, COME ON OLD GIRL YOU YOU CAN DO IT, but the words that crept out of my mouth was 'You stupid old mare, go back home' Fortunately no-one was around to hear those utterances of a desperate unfit old girl.
Nothing unusual happened on the way, but I did give a huge pat on my back to say well done, as I had managed to jog even further today on the course, than yesterday. Yes well done old girl, well done indeed.
Seeing the couple walking their dog (slowly) made me jog further, I huffed and puffed up behind them and the duly gave way to me, unlike the dog, thank goodness he was on a lead, I know if he had jumped up at me I would have fallen over. On and on, turnaround lamppost my goal, I wish I could see it, still got to get to the ally first.
As you can imagine, I was talking to myself all the way to turnaround lamppost and back again, nagging, (wish nagging sister was here) Did I say that out loud? passing 12 min lamppost, jogging, walking, jogging, walking. My house in sight, waiting to hear nagging sister say 'Come on now sprint from here' but all I am hearing is my heavy breathing, my feet pounding the pavement in a walking pace! GET A MOVE ON and I sprint for my door. So its a shorter sprint than nagging sister would have made me do, but is she here? No exactly, Does she comment on my blog, No she doesn't, Does she have a blog account to encourage me, No she doesn't.
Hi sis, loves ya xxxx
p.s. nagging sister did mention what time I did the run and it was 17:03.07
But, I closed the door with a firm bang, set the stopwatch and headed for that darn turnaround lamppost. No school children around to try and impress with my jogging skills and fitness levels, no nagging sister in front of me barking orders and no victim 2 to lean on, emotionally, for support. Just that still quiet voice in my head, COME ON OLD GIRL YOU YOU CAN DO IT, but the words that crept out of my mouth was 'You stupid old mare, go back home' Fortunately no-one was around to hear those utterances of a desperate unfit old girl.
Nothing unusual happened on the way, but I did give a huge pat on my back to say well done, as I had managed to jog even further today on the course, than yesterday. Yes well done old girl, well done indeed.
Seeing the couple walking their dog (slowly) made me jog further, I huffed and puffed up behind them and the duly gave way to me, unlike the dog, thank goodness he was on a lead, I know if he had jumped up at me I would have fallen over. On and on, turnaround lamppost my goal, I wish I could see it, still got to get to the ally first.
As you can imagine, I was talking to myself all the way to turnaround lamppost and back again, nagging, (wish nagging sister was here) Did I say that out loud? passing 12 min lamppost, jogging, walking, jogging, walking. My house in sight, waiting to hear nagging sister say 'Come on now sprint from here' but all I am hearing is my heavy breathing, my feet pounding the pavement in a walking pace! GET A MOVE ON and I sprint for my door. So its a shorter sprint than nagging sister would have made me do, but is she here? No exactly, Does she comment on my blog, No she doesn't, Does she have a blog account to encourage me, No she doesn't.
Hi sis, loves ya xxxx
p.s. nagging sister did mention what time I did the run and it was 17:03.07
Monday, 9 November 2009
A misty Morning
I could quite happily stay in bed, yelling at son to get up and go to school. and then turn over and dream of how fit I am, how slim and young looking and..........sigh.
But that post on FB, that taunting (ok unwittingly) from nagging sister, that small quiet voice saying go on you can do it, had me out of my bed looking for my joggers and trainers.
Son was still in the house, probably looking surprised at his mum up, let alone dressed to go jogging, and I'm calling him to get ready, I don't expected to see him when I come back.
I opened the front door, felt the chill in the air, looked over the green and saw the mist still hanging there, 'just shut the door old girl, then get on with it, the bin collectors will wonder why you're standing around'' So I set the stop watch on the phone and set off with relief and a little pride. 'Yes nagging sister, yes, see who's out there in the morning, in the mist, before 9 o'clock in the morning, yeah, lets see what you got to say about that on F.B.'
Victim 2 will be so pleased with me, I did notice that she had taken the bait from nagging sister and threaten to go jogging with nagging sister Friday, I shall let you know if she survives her first day back after months of.........being a mummy, and as we all now is so exhausting and energy sapping anyway.
As you can see I am waffling on, to be honest, which I should be as I am writing to myself as well as all you other blog readers, the jog wasn't that brilliant, I did manage to run further this time than I did on Friday, which is good, but the journey back was full of........walking. And which each walked step I took I could hear nagging sister saying 'Get on with it, move yourself' Oh you don't know how easy it is and how brave I felt to say to invisible nagging sister, and to 'walk' casually along with invisible victim 2 but i was, 'No, cant jog, walking' I was power walking mind, didn't let the heart rate slow down too much, and I was only a min slower by the time I got to 12 min lamppost (its a lamppost I always check my time at, willing that its only 10 mins, but always says 12 something) I carry on to the end of the path to the road, 'Now old girl, jog, jog stop walking and jog' oh my goodness, I am now nagging myself, maybe I do miss nagging sister after all.
A little down the road I see a friend of mine holding the most adorable bundle of furry legs I have ever seen, a little puppy boxer. Now instead of saying or rather grunting a weak hello I stop and once I got my breath back start cooing over said little furry legs guy, with his little squashed nose and bouncy demeanor. A very welcome break, as we chatted with another neighbour too.
So my time in getting back to my home was........18:02.29 hmmm lets do better tomorrow.
But that post on FB, that taunting (ok unwittingly) from nagging sister, that small quiet voice saying go on you can do it, had me out of my bed looking for my joggers and trainers.
Son was still in the house, probably looking surprised at his mum up, let alone dressed to go jogging, and I'm calling him to get ready, I don't expected to see him when I come back.
I opened the front door, felt the chill in the air, looked over the green and saw the mist still hanging there, 'just shut the door old girl, then get on with it, the bin collectors will wonder why you're standing around'' So I set the stop watch on the phone and set off with relief and a little pride. 'Yes nagging sister, yes, see who's out there in the morning, in the mist, before 9 o'clock in the morning, yeah, lets see what you got to say about that on F.B.'
Victim 2 will be so pleased with me, I did notice that she had taken the bait from nagging sister and threaten to go jogging with nagging sister Friday, I shall let you know if she survives her first day back after months of.........being a mummy, and as we all now is so exhausting and energy sapping anyway.
As you can see I am waffling on, to be honest, which I should be as I am writing to myself as well as all you other blog readers, the jog wasn't that brilliant, I did manage to run further this time than I did on Friday, which is good, but the journey back was full of........walking. And which each walked step I took I could hear nagging sister saying 'Get on with it, move yourself' Oh you don't know how easy it is and how brave I felt to say to invisible nagging sister, and to 'walk' casually along with invisible victim 2 but i was, 'No, cant jog, walking' I was power walking mind, didn't let the heart rate slow down too much, and I was only a min slower by the time I got to 12 min lamppost (its a lamppost I always check my time at, willing that its only 10 mins, but always says 12 something) I carry on to the end of the path to the road, 'Now old girl, jog, jog stop walking and jog' oh my goodness, I am now nagging myself, maybe I do miss nagging sister after all.
A little down the road I see a friend of mine holding the most adorable bundle of furry legs I have ever seen, a little puppy boxer. Now instead of saying or rather grunting a weak hello I stop and once I got my breath back start cooing over said little furry legs guy, with his little squashed nose and bouncy demeanor. A very welcome break, as we chatted with another neighbour too.
So my time in getting back to my home was........18:02.29 hmmm lets do better tomorrow.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Hello blogger Lovers!
I have just woke up from this extraordinary dream, where I had decided to get fit and run in a race and everything, it was so exciting! so I decided that maybe I should do that, so starting yesterday I went for my first ever jog in years and years.
Ok, So I guess you're not buying that storey either, you must admit though, its not as far fetched as the alien abduction, right?
Yes I'm back, struggling even worse than last time but I'm out there jogging again. And would you believe it is exactly like the first time round, me on my own, the old girl, puffing and wheezing like and eighty year old.
This getting fit and saying fit, is the most hardest thing to do and to keep doing, If you are like me, you think once your there you can just ease back on the peddle and cruise along, Well let me tell you, its not. Throughout the time between blogs, I have tried to do more, but laying in bed thinking about doing that long jog to turn around lamppost and back does not actually constitute as actually doing
So yesterday, midweek and not, 'I'll start on Monday' day, a Wednesday, I pulled on my faded bottom emblazoned Athletic joggers and set off for a morning jog, 8.00 to be precises, and felt quite proud of myself as I headed for turn around lamppost. But that pride soon fell about my ankles, making me slower and more out of breath with each step. My goodness I got to get to the path first before I stat walking, but it is very hard going.
I wont give you the time on that jog, mainly in my out of breach, sweat in eyes state I pushed the wrong button. But Today I managed it again, getting up out of bed, pulling on joggers and trainers, only today, it was a little harder, a little later than 8.00 and a little less enthusiastic.
Come on old girl, get out there, don't forget what you saw on FB, NAGGING SISTER out jogging without you! Has nagging sister abandoned the lazy old girl too?!!
Ok, So I guess you're not buying that storey either, you must admit though, its not as far fetched as the alien abduction, right?
Yes I'm back, struggling even worse than last time but I'm out there jogging again. And would you believe it is exactly like the first time round, me on my own, the old girl, puffing and wheezing like and eighty year old.
This getting fit and saying fit, is the most hardest thing to do and to keep doing, If you are like me, you think once your there you can just ease back on the peddle and cruise along, Well let me tell you, its not. Throughout the time between blogs, I have tried to do more, but laying in bed thinking about doing that long jog to turn around lamppost and back does not actually constitute as actually doing
So yesterday, midweek and not, 'I'll start on Monday' day, a Wednesday, I pulled on my faded bottom emblazoned Athletic joggers and set off for a morning jog, 8.00 to be precises, and felt quite proud of myself as I headed for turn around lamppost. But that pride soon fell about my ankles, making me slower and more out of breath with each step. My goodness I got to get to the path first before I stat walking, but it is very hard going.
I wont give you the time on that jog, mainly in my out of breach, sweat in eyes state I pushed the wrong button. But Today I managed it again, getting up out of bed, pulling on joggers and trainers, only today, it was a little harder, a little later than 8.00 and a little less enthusiastic.
Come on old girl, get out there, don't forget what you saw on FB, NAGGING SISTER out jogging without you! Has nagging sister abandoned the lazy old girl too?!!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Oops I did it again!
Well, not so much as oops, as, YEAH I did it again, well when I say I, I of course mean Beligan Bun and I did it again! Yesterday, on a pleasant evening, with a smile!!!
Power walking, walking the two and half miles, both of us with our dinner waiting for us when we got back. But the truth of it, is I did for get, B.B. called me while I was out shopping for food, but I said I would be home in plenty of time for the 6 o'clock meet time, after all its only about 4 ish when she called me.
TWO HOURS later I get home! exhausted but still willing to go for our powr walking, maybe I can look particulaly pathectic for beligan to take pity on me. It didn't happen! we walked the whole of the route, a little faster than we did last time, obviously not as quick as perfectly, skinny, joggig nagging sister, (oh please by the way, don't forge to have a gawp at her pic in earler blog) but we did, and we felt proud of our selves.
My legs by now were screaming out for me to stop using and abusing them, and to sit and chillax (see I'm down with the kids). I walked a little fast from B.B. house to mine, looking forward to my lovely chicken salad dinner.
............and cream cakes,.......and doughnuts........and chocolate......and wine!
How on earth did that lot get into my shopping trolly!!!!!
Power walking, walking the two and half miles, both of us with our dinner waiting for us when we got back. But the truth of it, is I did for get, B.B. called me while I was out shopping for food, but I said I would be home in plenty of time for the 6 o'clock meet time, after all its only about 4 ish when she called me.
TWO HOURS later I get home! exhausted but still willing to go for our powr walking, maybe I can look particulaly pathectic for beligan to take pity on me. It didn't happen! we walked the whole of the route, a little faster than we did last time, obviously not as quick as perfectly, skinny, joggig nagging sister, (oh please by the way, don't forge to have a gawp at her pic in earler blog) but we did, and we felt proud of our selves.
My legs by now were screaming out for me to stop using and abusing them, and to sit and chillax (see I'm down with the kids). I walked a little fast from B.B. house to mine, looking forward to my lovely chicken salad dinner.
............and cream cakes,.......and doughnuts........and chocolate......and wine!
How on earth did that lot get into my shopping trolly!!!!!
Friday, 31 July 2009
I Know I Know But I'm Here Now!!
Right I'm here again, and this week I have been out twice doing the healthy stuff, but not with nagging sister, oh no!
On Tuesday this week nagging sister flung her kids at me and tried to drag me out for the power walk, but I persuaded her that I didn't need to go as I was going to encourage my mate, the beligan bun eater (Yes I know I spelt it wrong, and that it should be Belgian that was intentional, because for years I always saw that word as I had written, and admit it, I'm not the only one, right??)....... ok lost myself now...... oh yes beligan bun eater to try the power walking too.
Nagging sister decided that she will jog our two and half mile power walk route by herself. Bye bye we all called out as we got the wii out and she closed the door. Well you can imagine my absolute delight when after another virtually physically exhausting time of watching virtual tennis I noticed that it was raining slightly. Instead of feeling a little sorry for nagging sister I merely chuckled and pointed out to nagging sisters attachments that it was raining.(See attached picture, ha ha ha I have the technology to embarass and I know how to use it)
After another game, and it was quite exciting by name it was match point, I looked outside again and noticed the rain coming down harder. Nice big 'fat' rain, well me and nagging sisters offspring just couldn't contain ourselves as we burnt up calories laughing at the thought of nagging sister out there in the rain. She was by now only half way round, and the rain didn't look as if was going to stop anytime soon.
She eventually arrived back at my house and stood there in her wet trainers, her wet tee shirt (No boys, please don't go there, not until you've seen the picture that I hope to put up anyway) and her hair flat to her head in rats tails. Her usually perfect makeup looks just like everyone elses, everyone else who forgot to take it off before going to bed after a very good night out!!!! Perfect, I could not hope for a better scene.
Anyway that is not telling you about me, but it did me loads of good seeing her like that. As I said above, I went for a power walk in the evening with old beligan bun herself, and we walked a short route, but up hill! just so that we can see where we each are in our fitness.
It was a fairly gentle power walk, well for me anyway, B.B. seemed a little more out of breath than I did (I will, not gloat, I will not gloat, I will not gloat) But I encouraged her to try to go a little faster. Now I can see the power it brings, maybe I can become nagging friend, then maybe nagging leader, then maybe nagging ruler of the world!!!!! Oh I'm sorry I went off on one then. We walked for about two miles and I won't tell you how long it took us, I shall be fair on B.B. but we both felt that we had did our bit for the evening.
Then on Thursday Beligan was knocking on my door directly at 6 o'clock, exactly when we arranged to do our next power walk. Of course I had forgotten, and tried to play that fact down, which was easy because I had the stubborn one on my lap 'Oh good you're here, on time' I said as if I was expecting her 'Just need to hand stubborn one over to his mummy and get changed' Phew she didn't notice.
We decided to do the route that nagging sister did on Tuesday when the rain delighted me so, and I could acquaint B.B. with turnaround lamppost and the other fabulous sites on 'the route'. It was a pleasant walk and I did notice that B.B. had a little more pace on her than before, which I have probably realised, its best to exercise before eating rather than straight after! We did power around the route both a Little out of breath and feeling the muscles arguing with our legs. The rain stayed away, the air was warm and B.B even removed her jacket. It was a good evenings walk and we were pleased we did it.
B.B. was insistent though that she was going back again later in the evening, I thought she was being overly keen on this keep fit malarkey until she said that she saw some rather delicious blackberries, and she would like some to make blackberry and apple pie!!!!!
It is going to be one BIG struggle with this one!
On Tuesday this week nagging sister flung her kids at me and tried to drag me out for the power walk, but I persuaded her that I didn't need to go as I was going to encourage my mate, the beligan bun eater (Yes I know I spelt it wrong, and that it should be Belgian that was intentional, because for years I always saw that word as I had written, and admit it, I'm not the only one, right??)....... ok lost myself now...... oh yes beligan bun eater to try the power walking too.
Nagging sister decided that she will jog our two and half mile power walk route by herself. Bye bye we all called out as we got the wii out and she closed the door. Well you can imagine my absolute delight when after another virtually physically exhausting time of watching virtual tennis I noticed that it was raining slightly. Instead of feeling a little sorry for nagging sister I merely chuckled and pointed out to nagging sisters attachments that it was raining.(See attached picture, ha ha ha I have the technology to embarass and I know how to use it)
After another game, and it was quite exciting by name it was match point, I looked outside again and noticed the rain coming down harder. Nice big 'fat' rain, well me and nagging sisters offspring just couldn't contain ourselves as we burnt up calories laughing at the thought of nagging sister out there in the rain. She was by now only half way round, and the rain didn't look as if was going to stop anytime soon.
She eventually arrived back at my house and stood there in her wet trainers, her wet tee shirt (No boys, please don't go there, not until you've seen the picture that I hope to put up anyway) and her hair flat to her head in rats tails. Her usually perfect makeup looks just like everyone elses, everyone else who forgot to take it off before going to bed after a very good night out!!!! Perfect, I could not hope for a better scene.
Anyway that is not telling you about me, but it did me loads of good seeing her like that. As I said above, I went for a power walk in the evening with old beligan bun herself, and we walked a short route, but up hill! just so that we can see where we each are in our fitness.
It was a fairly gentle power walk, well for me anyway, B.B. seemed a little more out of breath than I did (I will, not gloat, I will not gloat, I will not gloat) But I encouraged her to try to go a little faster. Now I can see the power it brings, maybe I can become nagging friend, then maybe nagging leader, then maybe nagging ruler of the world!!!!! Oh I'm sorry I went off on one then. We walked for about two miles and I won't tell you how long it took us, I shall be fair on B.B. but we both felt that we had did our bit for the evening.
Then on Thursday Beligan was knocking on my door directly at 6 o'clock, exactly when we arranged to do our next power walk. Of course I had forgotten, and tried to play that fact down, which was easy because I had the stubborn one on my lap 'Oh good you're here, on time' I said as if I was expecting her 'Just need to hand stubborn one over to his mummy and get changed' Phew she didn't notice.
We decided to do the route that nagging sister did on Tuesday when the rain delighted me so, and I could acquaint B.B. with turnaround lamppost and the other fabulous sites on 'the route'. It was a pleasant walk and I did notice that B.B. had a little more pace on her than before, which I have probably realised, its best to exercise before eating rather than straight after! We did power around the route both a Little out of breath and feeling the muscles arguing with our legs. The rain stayed away, the air was warm and B.B even removed her jacket. It was a good evenings walk and we were pleased we did it.
B.B. was insistent though that she was going back again later in the evening, I thought she was being overly keen on this keep fit malarkey until she said that she saw some rather delicious blackberries, and she would like some to make blackberry and apple pie!!!!!
It is going to be one BIG struggle with this one!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Hi, remember me?.
Hi all. I shall just write this very quickly then disappear before you start asking me all sorts of embarrassing questions, like, 'Where have you been, Have you been jogging, have you lost weight, have you just become a round blob welded to your nice comfy leather sofas?'
I know its been a while, but nagging sister did drag me out today armed with new information from her new hunky action man. Now action man used to or still does train people in P.T. and he gave a few pointers to nagging sister, 'What she needs to do is power walking, non stop, it will do her the power of good, rather than all the jogging,' So far I like him, 'Yes' says I 'I can walk the mile' But nagging sister had other ideas, 'We're no walking just one mile, we are walking two miles' Well you can imagine my face when I heard this, my smiled quickly turned upside down and I was not tripping up on my chin! 'Still' I though 'Its a walk, how bad can that be'
Well let me tell you its bad, I know I couldn't have managed the jogging, not with my back, but oh my word! No short cuts home, no getting a lift from a neighbour who kindly offered when she saw me struggling along the pavement, (but I'm sure I heard her chuckle as she drove past) oh no, nagging sister had me power walking, no breaks, because as she says, 'Its not as if your out of breath' Well she wasn't, no, she was chatting away to me and I'm trying to get a word in edgeways, just to show her that I was still alive, when I did get my word in it was 'Water!' She allowed me to slow down slightly and take a swig from her bottle. By now, my face is as red as it is when I get back from the mile jog and we STILL had a mile or less to do before we got home. Not only that but the rain started, at first it was a pleasant refreshing spray, but then it kept on, and on, and on, as I am getting hotter, and more breathless, and redder in the face I also start to smell like WET DOG!
Did I say I liked nagging sisters new action man, mmm, maybe I'll change my mind!
I know its been a while, but nagging sister did drag me out today armed with new information from her new hunky action man. Now action man used to or still does train people in P.T. and he gave a few pointers to nagging sister, 'What she needs to do is power walking, non stop, it will do her the power of good, rather than all the jogging,' So far I like him, 'Yes' says I 'I can walk the mile' But nagging sister had other ideas, 'We're no walking just one mile, we are walking two miles' Well you can imagine my face when I heard this, my smiled quickly turned upside down and I was not tripping up on my chin! 'Still' I though 'Its a walk, how bad can that be'
Well let me tell you its bad, I know I couldn't have managed the jogging, not with my back, but oh my word! No short cuts home, no getting a lift from a neighbour who kindly offered when she saw me struggling along the pavement, (but I'm sure I heard her chuckle as she drove past) oh no, nagging sister had me power walking, no breaks, because as she says, 'Its not as if your out of breath' Well she wasn't, no, she was chatting away to me and I'm trying to get a word in edgeways, just to show her that I was still alive, when I did get my word in it was 'Water!' She allowed me to slow down slightly and take a swig from her bottle. By now, my face is as red as it is when I get back from the mile jog and we STILL had a mile or less to do before we got home. Not only that but the rain started, at first it was a pleasant refreshing spray, but then it kept on, and on, and on, as I am getting hotter, and more breathless, and redder in the face I also start to smell like WET DOG!
Did I say I liked nagging sisters new action man, mmm, maybe I'll change my mind!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Twice In One Week!
Hi blog lovers.
Yes that's right, the head line is correct indeed! Twice so far and its still only Tuesday!
I must admit though I didn't do as well as nagging sister hoped, here is the reason (excuse) my back is really playing up! but I did get all hot and sweaty and my heart rate was way up there, getting the blood pumping around this big old body of mine, and boy does it have a lot of work to do.
Folks, I'm sure I have said this before, but if you reach a fitness level, DON'T STOP, KEEP GOING Its hard enough getting there in the first place, but trying to do it all again is even harder. If you're like me and still carry on eating like you were still exercising then the weight doesn't creep on, it ambushes you at the extra piece of cheese cake, and before you know it, you're having to cart around an extra person on your back while trying to keep up with nagging sister (Who by the way was not impressed with me today)
It's a lovely sunny day today, and rather warm out when we started out this morning, but before I got to the end of the road I was huffing and puffing like Ivor the engine going up Kilimanjaro!
We didn't stay too long at turn around lamppost today, only because I felt guilty at walking most of the way, but when we arrived back to my house I noticed that the time was the same as if I had jogged it all the way there, which means either I jog to slowly or, and this is a much better scenario for me I walked really really fast!
So until next time folks I shall say cheerio for now.
Yes that's right, the head line is correct indeed! Twice so far and its still only Tuesday!
I must admit though I didn't do as well as nagging sister hoped, here is the reason (excuse) my back is really playing up! but I did get all hot and sweaty and my heart rate was way up there, getting the blood pumping around this big old body of mine, and boy does it have a lot of work to do.
Folks, I'm sure I have said this before, but if you reach a fitness level, DON'T STOP, KEEP GOING Its hard enough getting there in the first place, but trying to do it all again is even harder. If you're like me and still carry on eating like you were still exercising then the weight doesn't creep on, it ambushes you at the extra piece of cheese cake, and before you know it, you're having to cart around an extra person on your back while trying to keep up with nagging sister (Who by the way was not impressed with me today)
It's a lovely sunny day today, and rather warm out when we started out this morning, but before I got to the end of the road I was huffing and puffing like Ivor the engine going up Kilimanjaro!
We didn't stay too long at turn around lamppost today, only because I felt guilty at walking most of the way, but when we arrived back to my house I noticed that the time was the same as if I had jogged it all the way there, which means either I jog to slowly or, and this is a much better scenario for me I walked really really fast!
So until next time folks I shall say cheerio for now.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Shopping Disaster
Hello blog lovers!
Well you will be impressed with me today, because today I did turn around lamppost unaided, that is, without a walking stick, (and no that isn't a cruel reference to nagging sister, ha ha ha, but still very apt) and no nagging sister either.
I say no stick because for some reason my heels hurt me, maybe its the footwear I have, I don't not, but thats enough moaning, well, about that anyway.
Let me take you to Saturday first off. The old boy gave me free (well up to a limit) reighn on the debit card to go buy clothes. Well, if anything was going to spur me on to lose all this weight that seems to have found its way home again, it was that day.
Nothing that I took to the dressing room looked or felt right. all those clothes went back to the rails and I went on the search again, I managed to buy a couple of things but then I went and did something very bold, I bought a dress, I wasn't too sure of it, but I went back for a second time and used the card to aquire said item.
This morning however, after stepping on the scales, I started having second thoughts, especialy as the stubborn ones mum said 'no take it back' on Saturday. But I went on my jog, with the thought of that dress in my mind.
The jog (well rather walk) was uneventful, again, but I did it, by myself all the way to turn around lamppost, trying not to worry too much about my slight back ache.
I got back home, looking probaby a lot like the colour of my new dress and collapsed on my cool sofa, still thinking abou that dress.
'I'll try it on again after my shower' I thought to myself 'and see if it has grown on me'
I put the dress, looked in the mirror and recoiled in horror. I looked like a reject garden project from Kew Gardens in my my big red flowery dress!! Thats it, dress going back, looking at the scales every morning (instead of once a year) and keep up with my jogging.
More here tomorrow when nagging sister drags this nearly inspired wanna be fit person again. And I have promised myself that I will have fun when I'm fit, fun while I'm getting fit and fun BLOOMING STAYING FIT!
Well you will be impressed with me today, because today I did turn around lamppost unaided, that is, without a walking stick, (and no that isn't a cruel reference to nagging sister, ha ha ha, but still very apt) and no nagging sister either.
I say no stick because for some reason my heels hurt me, maybe its the footwear I have, I don't not, but thats enough moaning, well, about that anyway.
Let me take you to Saturday first off. The old boy gave me free (well up to a limit) reighn on the debit card to go buy clothes. Well, if anything was going to spur me on to lose all this weight that seems to have found its way home again, it was that day.
Nothing that I took to the dressing room looked or felt right. all those clothes went back to the rails and I went on the search again, I managed to buy a couple of things but then I went and did something very bold, I bought a dress, I wasn't too sure of it, but I went back for a second time and used the card to aquire said item.
This morning however, after stepping on the scales, I started having second thoughts, especialy as the stubborn ones mum said 'no take it back' on Saturday. But I went on my jog, with the thought of that dress in my mind.
The jog (well rather walk) was uneventful, again, but I did it, by myself all the way to turn around lamppost, trying not to worry too much about my slight back ache.
I got back home, looking probaby a lot like the colour of my new dress and collapsed on my cool sofa, still thinking abou that dress.
'I'll try it on again after my shower' I thought to myself 'and see if it has grown on me'
I put the dress, looked in the mirror and recoiled in horror. I looked like a reject garden project from Kew Gardens in my my big red flowery dress!! Thats it, dress going back, looking at the scales every morning (instead of once a year) and keep up with my jogging.
More here tomorrow when nagging sister drags this nearly inspired wanna be fit person again. And I have promised myself that I will have fun when I'm fit, fun while I'm getting fit and fun BLOOMING STAYING FIT!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Blimey, its getting harder!
Hi blog readers.
Well its true, it seems to get harder and harder to pull those joggers on and shove my tee shirt over my head and slip on my trainers with a smile on my face. The very thought of doing any form or physical exercise is the very furthest thing from my mind. The vision that I have in my head is of my lovely short round red haired old nanny, bless her, who used to visit us with her bright pink thick lipstick (always took ages to rub of your face after the kisses) arms laden with bags of sweeties for us kids and a piece of chicken from the chip shop for the dog. Nan, how I miss those days!
You can see where I am going with this, right? That was a proper nan, a well round, plump nan. A nan smelling of lavender and tweed perfume, not this wonderful vision that the little stubborn one has inherited. He has a nan who looks,........ lumpy in her joggers, a pained look on her face as she faces the fact that nagging sister is on her way round to drag the lumpy bumpy old girl from her nice cosy armchair.
Nagging sister breezes through the door, loud, so very loud, I peer up to the heavens and wonder why that rain cloud is not emptying it self right this very minute. "Don't look up there, you, its not raining, and we're running" says nagging sister.....loudly. And before I had a chance to just make one comment we were off. Who's blooming idea was this anyway!!
Its a struggle, such a struggle, why does this not get any easier, is the question that rolls through my mind as we jog on to turn around lamppost, thank goodness nagging sister has not mentioned going further than this, and still the only enjoyment I have is watching nagging sister wave her arms wildly at and trying to run from the flying beasts, whom I regard as my army now, "ha ha ha" that was an evil laugh by the way. Nagging sister tells me all the latest goss as I listen intently looking to see if she is watching me too, just so that I can walk some of the way. I did manage at few walking paces but when nagging sister had to stop talking to draw breath she saw me and pushed me on. We arrive at the leafy "Dogs doing" ally and half way through here I can see turnaround lamppost, that's it I am just going for it, the sooner I get there the sooner I can get home, and I put on a bit of speed, which I must add seem to impress nagging sister, of course by now there is not a breath left in my body whereas nagging sister is only half way through giving me all the latest goss looking like she can do this all day long!
The jog back was uneventful, only now I was asking the rain not too come, it did look as if it would pour down, my house looked so welcoming, as I reached the last leg of our jog, of course nagging sister still insists we sprint this part. I tried with all the breath (which was just a thimble full left) to get there as fast as I could, "Keep going old girl, keep going old girl" was what I was saying to my self, "Come on faster, keep going" shouts nagging sister as she relaxes on MY wall, GRRRRRRRR
The vision that the poor stubborn one is greeted with is this wretched, black and pink thing, gasping for air with sweat pouring from her very pink face. Certainly not the traditional nanny.
Well its true, it seems to get harder and harder to pull those joggers on and shove my tee shirt over my head and slip on my trainers with a smile on my face. The very thought of doing any form or physical exercise is the very furthest thing from my mind. The vision that I have in my head is of my lovely short round red haired old nanny, bless her, who used to visit us with her bright pink thick lipstick (always took ages to rub of your face after the kisses) arms laden with bags of sweeties for us kids and a piece of chicken from the chip shop for the dog. Nan, how I miss those days!
You can see where I am going with this, right? That was a proper nan, a well round, plump nan. A nan smelling of lavender and tweed perfume, not this wonderful vision that the little stubborn one has inherited. He has a nan who looks,........ lumpy in her joggers, a pained look on her face as she faces the fact that nagging sister is on her way round to drag the lumpy bumpy old girl from her nice cosy armchair.
Nagging sister breezes through the door, loud, so very loud, I peer up to the heavens and wonder why that rain cloud is not emptying it self right this very minute. "Don't look up there, you, its not raining, and we're running" says nagging sister.....loudly. And before I had a chance to just make one comment we were off. Who's blooming idea was this anyway!!
Its a struggle, such a struggle, why does this not get any easier, is the question that rolls through my mind as we jog on to turn around lamppost, thank goodness nagging sister has not mentioned going further than this, and still the only enjoyment I have is watching nagging sister wave her arms wildly at and trying to run from the flying beasts, whom I regard as my army now, "ha ha ha" that was an evil laugh by the way. Nagging sister tells me all the latest goss as I listen intently looking to see if she is watching me too, just so that I can walk some of the way. I did manage at few walking paces but when nagging sister had to stop talking to draw breath she saw me and pushed me on. We arrive at the leafy "Dogs doing" ally and half way through here I can see turnaround lamppost, that's it I am just going for it, the sooner I get there the sooner I can get home, and I put on a bit of speed, which I must add seem to impress nagging sister, of course by now there is not a breath left in my body whereas nagging sister is only half way through giving me all the latest goss looking like she can do this all day long!
The jog back was uneventful, only now I was asking the rain not too come, it did look as if it would pour down, my house looked so welcoming, as I reached the last leg of our jog, of course nagging sister still insists we sprint this part. I tried with all the breath (which was just a thimble full left) to get there as fast as I could, "Keep going old girl, keep going old girl" was what I was saying to my self, "Come on faster, keep going" shouts nagging sister as she relaxes on MY wall, GRRRRRRRR
The vision that the poor stubborn one is greeted with is this wretched, black and pink thing, gasping for air with sweat pouring from her very pink face. Certainly not the traditional nanny.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
No Blogging But Jogging!
Hello blog spotters, Yes its true, I have been jogging, but as you can plainly see I have not been blogging. I would love to be able to tell you that I have been busy doing all sorts of stuff, i.e. more running, more exercise more physical activities, anything but what I am about to say now. I was too lazy to write! Yep that's it, all my achievements which I know I should be bragging about, I should be putting pen to paper.... erm I mean fingers to keyboard and boasting about the brilliant way that I am trying to overcome my lazyitus, should be written down here for all to read (and gets some well well earned back patting).
Confessions over, now to the good bits, bad bits, it depends on where you are in the gist of things. Nagging sister has been dutiful in her quest to cure me of my lazyitus, dragging my fat clad body out for a run/jog/walk/crawl to the taunting teasing turnaround lamppost and back. My times have really gone down hill lately. I can only assume its because I am now getting up a whole hour and half earlier than I used to due to work commitments! (excuses always help the cause)The energy that I used to have seems to be buried under my duvet nowadays! But still I am out there jogging, and this time of year does give me a sense of well being and fun as nagging sister screams at all the flying insects and flails her arms and legs it seems at them. Mind you one particular day I found myself joining her in this strange ritual, there were hundreds of horse flies flying directly over our path, no I don't study the nasty little creatures, some kindly woman pointed them out as we were heading back into the cloud of yucky things. They are black shiny winged creatures, obviously they had a nagging sister telling them to fly, fly fly, because they were not shifting as we went through them.
New recruit has once again joined the fold, I can't call her new recruit anymore as she has been with us for a whole year now, I will refer to her as Victim 2 (me being the original victim of nagging sister). Nagging sister and Victim 2 arrived at my door, Victim 2 looking lovely in her joggers complete with her water bottle (such at sensible girl) and nagging sister, looking, (grrrr) lovely as usual, me? I opened the door in my shrunken un ironed joggers, holey tee shirt complete with puke spot left by my adorable stubborn one. Needless to say both nagging sister and Vic 2 were amused by this sight.
But at last I have my Alie back. She will certainly slow things down now, and that lovely walk that she will no doubt do on the way to turn around lamppost. HMPF!! Walk, Walk, Victim 2 Walk! How that woman managed to jog the whole mile (and a bit) without stopping I don't know. She hasn't done any jogging since we did the race for life last year and yet here she is jogging the whole way. I was looking, (well I could hardly breath let along whisper to her to STOP! HAVE A WALK! PLEASE!) at her to slow down, Do you know what that woman said to me? She said "Sorry" and carried on jogging. "Good for you" encourages nagging sister and then that just gave her the ammunition to fire at me"Come on, Victim 2 hasn't done this since last year and you have had several runs up here, come on, get a move on, get those knees up, no stopping" and all the while she is nagging me she is pushing me along trying to catch up to Victim 2.
Our time that day wasn't brilliant, well we had a lot of chatting to do when we got to turnaround lamppost, we stayed a little bit longer than usual, and when we got back after collapsing on the sofas I did congratulate vic 2, well, she really did do well.
I was supposed to go cycing today, but I had an unexpected work day today, but nagging sister just rang me up to tell me how far her and Vic 2 had got on their bike ride, I just fell off my chair when she said that they didn't even make it the pre-arrnaged meeting place (as noted in other older blogs) and Vic 2 acutuall walked beside her bike, he he he he, ha ha ha ha, oh my, they did cheer me up. :-D
Confessions over, now to the good bits, bad bits, it depends on where you are in the gist of things. Nagging sister has been dutiful in her quest to cure me of my lazyitus, dragging my fat clad body out for a run/jog/walk/crawl to the taunting teasing turnaround lamppost and back. My times have really gone down hill lately. I can only assume its because I am now getting up a whole hour and half earlier than I used to due to work commitments! (excuses always help the cause)The energy that I used to have seems to be buried under my duvet nowadays! But still I am out there jogging, and this time of year does give me a sense of well being and fun as nagging sister screams at all the flying insects and flails her arms and legs it seems at them. Mind you one particular day I found myself joining her in this strange ritual, there were hundreds of horse flies flying directly over our path, no I don't study the nasty little creatures, some kindly woman pointed them out as we were heading back into the cloud of yucky things. They are black shiny winged creatures, obviously they had a nagging sister telling them to fly, fly fly, because they were not shifting as we went through them.
New recruit has once again joined the fold, I can't call her new recruit anymore as she has been with us for a whole year now, I will refer to her as Victim 2 (me being the original victim of nagging sister). Nagging sister and Victim 2 arrived at my door, Victim 2 looking lovely in her joggers complete with her water bottle (such at sensible girl) and nagging sister, looking, (grrrr) lovely as usual, me? I opened the door in my shrunken un ironed joggers, holey tee shirt complete with puke spot left by my adorable stubborn one. Needless to say both nagging sister and Vic 2 were amused by this sight.
But at last I have my Alie back. She will certainly slow things down now, and that lovely walk that she will no doubt do on the way to turn around lamppost. HMPF!! Walk, Walk, Victim 2 Walk! How that woman managed to jog the whole mile (and a bit) without stopping I don't know. She hasn't done any jogging since we did the race for life last year and yet here she is jogging the whole way. I was looking, (well I could hardly breath let along whisper to her to STOP! HAVE A WALK! PLEASE!) at her to slow down, Do you know what that woman said to me? She said "Sorry" and carried on jogging. "Good for you" encourages nagging sister and then that just gave her the ammunition to fire at me"Come on, Victim 2 hasn't done this since last year and you have had several runs up here, come on, get a move on, get those knees up, no stopping" and all the while she is nagging me she is pushing me along trying to catch up to Victim 2.
Our time that day wasn't brilliant, well we had a lot of chatting to do when we got to turnaround lamppost, we stayed a little bit longer than usual, and when we got back after collapsing on the sofas I did congratulate vic 2, well, she really did do well.
I was supposed to go cycing today, but I had an unexpected work day today, but nagging sister just rang me up to tell me how far her and Vic 2 had got on their bike ride, I just fell off my chair when she said that they didn't even make it the pre-arrnaged meeting place (as noted in other older blogs) and Vic 2 acutuall walked beside her bike, he he he he, ha ha ha ha, oh my, they did cheer me up. :-D
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
I Can't Do It!
I just can't do, I just can't do it. I kid myself the motivation is there, I kid myself that I can do it, but guys, it really is tough. I need a Sergeant Major type to kick me into shape when nagging sister isn't around to do it. How do these people I see out jogging, looking fit and smiley as they do their daily run, keep on day after day, after day after day!
The whole of last week and the week before, I did nothing, absolutely nothing! Ok so one of those weeks I was feeling under the weather, and I was puking up, (I did actually lose three pounds that week, yee ha!) but it all went on again!
So that was the last two weeks, this week, nagging sister called me bright and early this morning, to remind me that she is coming round to drag my lardass carcass of the sofa, away from the now smiling stubborn one and pound the pavements again.
I really wasn't in the mood, I put on my joggers, and my trainers, and still I was desperately tyring to think of any reason not to do this. Why doesn't the stubborn one cry for his nanny's cuddles, I'm sure there is nothing like a nanny's cuddles to settle crying babies. But no, he was sleeping soundly with his mother, tucked up in a nice warm bed, ohhhhh, such bliss. Is there room for one more?
Just as I was dreaming of climbing into my bed nagging sister was at the door. I opened it, and I'm sure I saw her shudder from the look I gave her, but only fleetingly, then the smile, the teeth, the perfect hair, you all know the scene by now 'Come on then, out, lets go'
Even before I got to the end of my path I was wishing for it to all be over, nagging sister telling me all the latest gossip, but I already needed to concentrate on my breathing, if you get that right the whole thing should be a breeze......... more like a wheeze in my case. Crossing over the road now, 'oh why, why am I doing this, nanny's are suppose to be cuddly and bubbly, surely', us nanny's have earned that right now, haven't we? Its a beautiful day, the sun is shining, it should be a pleasure to be out in the glorious sunshine 'Just concentrate on the breathing old girl, and grunt in acknowledgement every so often to nagging sister, just so that she knows you still alive' And that is how it was, the whole way to turnaround lamppost and back again. The only pleasure I gleaned from this mornings run was nagging sister screaming hysterically at the flying insects which appear this time of year. Do you not agree with me that people screaming and waving their arms in thin air look particularly pathetic, oh hum, yes, at least I have that tiny bit of smile fodder.
Oh you want to know the time that was on my stupid stopwatch.......really............but it really is pathetic today............ok well it was 17:54.46
The whole of last week and the week before, I did nothing, absolutely nothing! Ok so one of those weeks I was feeling under the weather, and I was puking up, (I did actually lose three pounds that week, yee ha!) but it all went on again!
So that was the last two weeks, this week, nagging sister called me bright and early this morning, to remind me that she is coming round to drag my lardass carcass of the sofa, away from the now smiling stubborn one and pound the pavements again.
I really wasn't in the mood, I put on my joggers, and my trainers, and still I was desperately tyring to think of any reason not to do this. Why doesn't the stubborn one cry for his nanny's cuddles, I'm sure there is nothing like a nanny's cuddles to settle crying babies. But no, he was sleeping soundly with his mother, tucked up in a nice warm bed, ohhhhh, such bliss. Is there room for one more?
Just as I was dreaming of climbing into my bed nagging sister was at the door. I opened it, and I'm sure I saw her shudder from the look I gave her, but only fleetingly, then the smile, the teeth, the perfect hair, you all know the scene by now 'Come on then, out, lets go'
Even before I got to the end of my path I was wishing for it to all be over, nagging sister telling me all the latest gossip, but I already needed to concentrate on my breathing, if you get that right the whole thing should be a breeze......... more like a wheeze in my case. Crossing over the road now, 'oh why, why am I doing this, nanny's are suppose to be cuddly and bubbly, surely', us nanny's have earned that right now, haven't we? Its a beautiful day, the sun is shining, it should be a pleasure to be out in the glorious sunshine 'Just concentrate on the breathing old girl, and grunt in acknowledgement every so often to nagging sister, just so that she knows you still alive' And that is how it was, the whole way to turnaround lamppost and back again. The only pleasure I gleaned from this mornings run was nagging sister screaming hysterically at the flying insects which appear this time of year. Do you not agree with me that people screaming and waving their arms in thin air look particularly pathetic, oh hum, yes, at least I have that tiny bit of smile fodder.
Oh you want to know the time that was on my stupid stopwatch.......really............but it really is pathetic today............ok well it was 17:54.46
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
What a good time this was!
Hello blog spotters, here I am again blogging, and I'm very pleased to say, jogging again. I am hoping that the lazyitus has now left me for good, and that the motivation I have been looking for is nearby. This week I hope will turn out better that last week.
I only did one form of exercise last week, and that was jogging with nagging sister. I was supposed to be joining mates ogling the t.v. with Rosemery Conly, but I have a pretty pathetic, lame, but true, reason why I didn't manage to go last Thursday, and that reason is that I had my dinner cooking and timed by the wrong clock! For some reason the clock on my cooker was wrong so it was running about 3/4 of an hour behind, so my timings for dinner were totally wrong, by the time I sat down for dinner it was was nearly finish time for Rosemery Conley! And that is the truth, honest. This week however I intend to keep my appointment with Rosemery and the gang, I have set a reminder on my mobile phone!.
Tuesday was a lovely day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue, the jog up to turn around lamppost and back again was pretty uneventful, in fact there was not even any resting at turn around lamppost! That's right, your read it correctly! In fact when I looked at my stopwatch after the jog the time was 11:30 mins. Oh yes, now you are all impressed!!!! Well don't be, because that was nagging sisters time to the lamppost and back again, without me! I had forgotten to tell nagging sister that I was in fact working that day, and she duly came to drag me out for our jog, but alas I had a little squishy person to look after, not the little stubborn one, oh no, they were still sleeping upstairs! So that day was a total wash out, 'I will go tomorrow, I promise' I said to nagging sister, as she looked at me in disgust (I won't tell you what she called me)
But today is another day, and with nagging sisters cruel name calling still in my mind, I did indeed drag on my old faithful joggers and trainers, and grab that stopwatch that goes too fast when its timing me, and jog off, by myself to turn around lamppost. Today is a lovely bright morning, the sun shining and birds........well doing what birds do at this time of year....... so early in the morning too. I know that I set off a a much faster pace than when nagging sister is with me, but her time to turn around lamppost was still showing on the stopwatch when I picked it up. I want to beat that time! I know! not a chance in Hades! But at least I may get home quicker. I must say, as nagging sister said yesterday, its harder to jog by yourself, I don't know why, I am missing her constant chattering, and the perfect madeup face smiling at her own jokes (or me for looking so pathetic) and the encouragement to just get to the lamppost and home again. Oh, for goodness sake, I must tell nagging sister not to read this weeks blog, I know she will have a big head about all this now!
So no more praising nagging sister, she knows she does well, darn it, she knows that its her that sets my pace, gets me off my backside, jogging, getting fitter, nagging, let me tell you about this mornings jog. Well..... pretty uneventful really, but when I am by myself jogging, I must stop talking to myself....out loud! No saying to myself 'Come on old girl, just the next lamppost then you can walk' because that's what I did, and (as I'm telling nagging sister not to read this weeks blog) I even had to walk on the way to turn around lamppost!
But I did the jog, all by myself, and I felt quite proud too, I did it, lazyitus, good bye, healthy lungs, toned legs pert buttocks (well miracles may happen) here I come.
Just in case you have read this far, and wondering what the time said on my stop watch, well it was 16:01.36. exactly 5 mins longer than nagging sister! Hmpf
I only did one form of exercise last week, and that was jogging with nagging sister. I was supposed to be joining mates ogling the t.v. with Rosemery Conly, but I have a pretty pathetic, lame, but true, reason why I didn't manage to go last Thursday, and that reason is that I had my dinner cooking and timed by the wrong clock! For some reason the clock on my cooker was wrong so it was running about 3/4 of an hour behind, so my timings for dinner were totally wrong, by the time I sat down for dinner it was was nearly finish time for Rosemery Conley! And that is the truth, honest. This week however I intend to keep my appointment with Rosemery and the gang, I have set a reminder on my mobile phone!.
Tuesday was a lovely day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue, the jog up to turn around lamppost and back again was pretty uneventful, in fact there was not even any resting at turn around lamppost! That's right, your read it correctly! In fact when I looked at my stopwatch after the jog the time was 11:30 mins. Oh yes, now you are all impressed!!!! Well don't be, because that was nagging sisters time to the lamppost and back again, without me! I had forgotten to tell nagging sister that I was in fact working that day, and she duly came to drag me out for our jog, but alas I had a little squishy person to look after, not the little stubborn one, oh no, they were still sleeping upstairs! So that day was a total wash out, 'I will go tomorrow, I promise' I said to nagging sister, as she looked at me in disgust (I won't tell you what she called me)
But today is another day, and with nagging sisters cruel name calling still in my mind, I did indeed drag on my old faithful joggers and trainers, and grab that stopwatch that goes too fast when its timing me, and jog off, by myself to turn around lamppost. Today is a lovely bright morning, the sun shining and birds........well doing what birds do at this time of year....... so early in the morning too. I know that I set off a a much faster pace than when nagging sister is with me, but her time to turn around lamppost was still showing on the stopwatch when I picked it up. I want to beat that time! I know! not a chance in Hades! But at least I may get home quicker. I must say, as nagging sister said yesterday, its harder to jog by yourself, I don't know why, I am missing her constant chattering, and the perfect madeup face smiling at her own jokes (or me for looking so pathetic) and the encouragement to just get to the lamppost and home again. Oh, for goodness sake, I must tell nagging sister not to read this weeks blog, I know she will have a big head about all this now!
So no more praising nagging sister, she knows she does well, darn it, she knows that its her that sets my pace, gets me off my backside, jogging, getting fitter, nagging, let me tell you about this mornings jog. Well..... pretty uneventful really, but when I am by myself jogging, I must stop talking to myself....out loud! No saying to myself 'Come on old girl, just the next lamppost then you can walk' because that's what I did, and (as I'm telling nagging sister not to read this weeks blog) I even had to walk on the way to turn around lamppost!
But I did the jog, all by myself, and I felt quite proud too, I did it, lazyitus, good bye, healthy lungs, toned legs pert buttocks (well miracles may happen) here I come.
Just in case you have read this far, and wondering what the time said on my stop watch, well it was 16:01.36. exactly 5 mins longer than nagging sister! Hmpf
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
The start of the new life!
Hi blog readers, well I don't know where to start. I didn't do too well at the beginning of this week (I know its only Tuesday), I had a free day yesterday, a free day where I could have jogged or rode my bike or anything physically exhausting but I didn't, I put my hands up and say I became a couch potato again, but today, I did go jogging. Only because nagging sister was here with her usually bright and breezy smile, (Does she put more makeup on just to annoy me?!)
Its a sunny day, but so so chilly, I wasn't looking forward to this mornings jog. I put my joggers on, and my hoody, and then decided to turn on the computer, just in case I see nagging sisters name on there, she may just have a reason to not come this morning, but as soon as the darn thing booted up there she was at the door, made up, smiling, pert backside, in 'painted on' 3/4 length Lycra, figure hugging joggers! 'Come on, get your trainers on' she says and then promptly heads up the stairs to coo and huggle our little stubborn one, and she may even remember to say hi to his mum. 'Mmm, maybe she will huggle the little stubborn one so much she won't have time to take me for a jog' my sad little mind is telling me, but no such luck, 'See you later babe' she calls out to my daughter, one last squeeze of the little stubborn one and then next thing we are standing outside in the cold, me with my trusty (surely inaccurate) stopwatch.
All the way to turn around lamppost I am thinking, 'Why, why why is it so hard to keep fit when its so easy to just veg out' and 'Why, why, why can nagging sister talk so co-herently while I struggle now to even grunt or attempt to grunt an answer back to her' I really don't remember it being this hard last year. Note to self, when I reach goal fitness level DON'T STOP THE JOGGING I am wondering if nagging sisters recall is much better than mine while we jog along, because when I jogged to turn around lamppost I am on the side of the path where all the dogs seem to "drop" things, but on the way back, they still appear to be in my line of jogging. Does Nagging sister remember to very cleverly change sides with me so that I'm hurdling as well as jogging along while she just breezes along a nice clear path?!! We finally reach turnaround lamppost and I am willing it to acutually run to me, oh turnaround lamppost why do you mock me so much!. Touch down! holding on tight now, not daring to let go, try to stretch as nagging sister does but I know I just look as if I am about to collapse. 'Does she need a lift home?' I hear from a concerned looking driver as she stops by turnaround lamppost, 'No don't tempt her' calls back nagging sister, all I could do was stare and try talking to the kindly lady driver through telepathy to come back and take me to hospital for some oxygen, but alas she drives off with a chuckle. Ok 15 seconds rest, and nagging sister starts her relentless nagging to LET GO OF THE LAMPPOST NOW! and we head off homeward bound.
We get home, feet clear of dogs doings but with me looking and sounding like a complete mess, and nagging sister looking....hang about.......I'm not so that a slight heaving of the chest, maybe just slightly out of breath,.....mmmmm It could well be, mind you she is a great Auntie now! Ha ha ha I am sorry, did you want to know what the time was........well it was 17:29.31 seconds
Its a sunny day, but so so chilly, I wasn't looking forward to this mornings jog. I put my joggers on, and my hoody, and then decided to turn on the computer, just in case I see nagging sisters name on there, she may just have a reason to not come this morning, but as soon as the darn thing booted up there she was at the door, made up, smiling, pert backside, in 'painted on' 3/4 length Lycra, figure hugging joggers! 'Come on, get your trainers on' she says and then promptly heads up the stairs to coo and huggle our little stubborn one, and she may even remember to say hi to his mum. 'Mmm, maybe she will huggle the little stubborn one so much she won't have time to take me for a jog' my sad little mind is telling me, but no such luck, 'See you later babe' she calls out to my daughter, one last squeeze of the little stubborn one and then next thing we are standing outside in the cold, me with my trusty (surely inaccurate) stopwatch.
All the way to turn around lamppost I am thinking, 'Why, why why is it so hard to keep fit when its so easy to just veg out' and 'Why, why, why can nagging sister talk so co-herently while I struggle now to even grunt or attempt to grunt an answer back to her' I really don't remember it being this hard last year. Note to self, when I reach goal fitness level DON'T STOP THE JOGGING I am wondering if nagging sisters recall is much better than mine while we jog along, because when I jogged to turn around lamppost I am on the side of the path where all the dogs seem to "drop" things, but on the way back, they still appear to be in my line of jogging. Does Nagging sister remember to very cleverly change sides with me so that I'm hurdling as well as jogging along while she just breezes along a nice clear path?!! We finally reach turnaround lamppost and I am willing it to acutually run to me, oh turnaround lamppost why do you mock me so much!. Touch down! holding on tight now, not daring to let go, try to stretch as nagging sister does but I know I just look as if I am about to collapse. 'Does she need a lift home?' I hear from a concerned looking driver as she stops by turnaround lamppost, 'No don't tempt her' calls back nagging sister, all I could do was stare and try talking to the kindly lady driver through telepathy to come back and take me to hospital for some oxygen, but alas she drives off with a chuckle. Ok 15 seconds rest, and nagging sister starts her relentless nagging to LET GO OF THE LAMPPOST NOW! and we head off homeward bound.
We get home, feet clear of dogs doings but with me looking and sounding like a complete mess, and nagging sister looking....hang about.......I'm not so that a slight heaving of the chest, maybe just slightly out of breath,.....mmmmm It could well be, mind you she is a great Auntie now! Ha ha ha I am sorry, did you want to know what the time was........well it was 17:29.31 seconds
Friday, 20 March 2009
A New Life.
A very apt title for this weeks blog, even if i say so myself. You see when I explain to you why I didn't write last week then you will understand. It has two meanings, today's title, as I'm sure you will agree.
On Monday 9th March, this old girls daughter was busing herself making way for her baby to be born. All day Monday this old girls little baby was having a baby of her own!! Daughters little tiny one however, was quite happy to stay exactly where he was, no matter how much mother nature was telling him come out! Still the next day, Tuesday, he was still refusing to come out, causing his poor mum to resort to having pain killing drugs going form gas and aire, to pethidine right down to an epidural, the very thing that my little poppet didn't want to have. Still he refused to budge from his nice safe place, still he just snuggled up to his mum, from the inside, and refused to come out. In the end the doctors decided the only way this little fella was coming out was to literally pull him out, so an emergency Cesarean was planned, and out he come, still causing the nurses to say, as they struggled to get him out, 'He's a stubborn one!'
Well as you can imagine, that week was just full of hospital visits, catching up on sleep (I did stay at the hospital with my daughter on Monday night) and making sure everything was ready for when they both came home from the hospital.
Well that was one new life, a most precious thing in the whole world, and an absolute privilege to be a part of, now, for the second 'new life'. I have a beautiful grandson now, and I want to be around running after him, and being able to catch him for a long long time. With this in mind I decided to really try and put my heart and sole back into my fitness regime. So much so, that I even rang nagging sister to check that she will come and bully.......ooops.......encourage me to jog to the infernal turnaround lamppost and back. Yes, I, the old girl, rang nagging sister to remind her to come jogging.
Once again with the trackie b's (its a cool way of saying tracksuit bottoms, I'm getting down with this kids speak!) and set off on the jog. Its a pleasant day, sunshine, chatting away to nagging sister, until I get to the path. Wow, turnaround lamppost seems to be a long way off all of a sudden, maybe, I wasn't quite recovered from the lack of sleep and extra worry from the previous week, but I pushed my self because I thought of our dear little stubborn one, and I just know, later on he won't be slowing down to wait for his nanny! I pushed my self harder all the time, listening now to nagging sister, rather than trying to have a conversation, and looking forward to putting turnaround lamppost at my back and not in front of me. The new stopwatch I have quickly ticking away my precious seconds, I'm wondering it this thing is calibrated properly, it seems to be going so fast! Turnaround lamppost At last! Rest here for a few minutes, catch breath, and listen to nagging sister say, 'come on, you didn't take this long last time.' Can I muster up a just a pathetic, 'Help me' look, which was quickly dismissed by nagging sister with a 'Come on old girl, you did so much better last week'
I look at the stopwatch and through my breathlessness, I had to agree, because it said so on those numbers, shining back up at me, taunting me, mocking me, ooooo I hate that stopwatch. I press the button to start of the timing again and to my horror I realised that I pressed the reset button instead!!! Oh no, how will I know if I beat my time from the previous time. No wait, hang about, this could work to my advantage (Only in my mind!) I am useless at maths, and by adding up the two times, I could quite easily come up with a number that is significantly less than last time! With this ludicrous thought on my mind, I head of homeward bound.
Of course I was slower that last week, (drat nagging sisters ability to add) but I feel better for jogging today, which is just as well, because that is all I did this week, I didn't even get to my Rosemery Conley session this week, I expect people will stop visiting soon, and midwives will stop turning up whenever, and milk in my fridge will be there for next time I want a cup of tea!
But next week is another week, the little stubborn one, surely must urge me on to get fitter, if not for myself then for him! Right?!!
On Monday 9th March, this old girls daughter was busing herself making way for her baby to be born. All day Monday this old girls little baby was having a baby of her own!! Daughters little tiny one however, was quite happy to stay exactly where he was, no matter how much mother nature was telling him come out! Still the next day, Tuesday, he was still refusing to come out, causing his poor mum to resort to having pain killing drugs going form gas and aire, to pethidine right down to an epidural, the very thing that my little poppet didn't want to have. Still he refused to budge from his nice safe place, still he just snuggled up to his mum, from the inside, and refused to come out. In the end the doctors decided the only way this little fella was coming out was to literally pull him out, so an emergency Cesarean was planned, and out he come, still causing the nurses to say, as they struggled to get him out, 'He's a stubborn one!'
Well as you can imagine, that week was just full of hospital visits, catching up on sleep (I did stay at the hospital with my daughter on Monday night) and making sure everything was ready for when they both came home from the hospital.
Well that was one new life, a most precious thing in the whole world, and an absolute privilege to be a part of, now, for the second 'new life'. I have a beautiful grandson now, and I want to be around running after him, and being able to catch him for a long long time. With this in mind I decided to really try and put my heart and sole back into my fitness regime. So much so, that I even rang nagging sister to check that she will come and bully.......ooops.......encourage me to jog to the infernal turnaround lamppost and back. Yes, I, the old girl, rang nagging sister to remind her to come jogging.
Once again with the trackie b's (its a cool way of saying tracksuit bottoms, I'm getting down with this kids speak!) and set off on the jog. Its a pleasant day, sunshine, chatting away to nagging sister, until I get to the path. Wow, turnaround lamppost seems to be a long way off all of a sudden, maybe, I wasn't quite recovered from the lack of sleep and extra worry from the previous week, but I pushed my self because I thought of our dear little stubborn one, and I just know, later on he won't be slowing down to wait for his nanny! I pushed my self harder all the time, listening now to nagging sister, rather than trying to have a conversation, and looking forward to putting turnaround lamppost at my back and not in front of me. The new stopwatch I have quickly ticking away my precious seconds, I'm wondering it this thing is calibrated properly, it seems to be going so fast! Turnaround lamppost At last! Rest here for a few minutes, catch breath, and listen to nagging sister say, 'come on, you didn't take this long last time.' Can I muster up a just a pathetic, 'Help me' look, which was quickly dismissed by nagging sister with a 'Come on old girl, you did so much better last week'
I look at the stopwatch and through my breathlessness, I had to agree, because it said so on those numbers, shining back up at me, taunting me, mocking me, ooooo I hate that stopwatch. I press the button to start of the timing again and to my horror I realised that I pressed the reset button instead!!! Oh no, how will I know if I beat my time from the previous time. No wait, hang about, this could work to my advantage (Only in my mind!) I am useless at maths, and by adding up the two times, I could quite easily come up with a number that is significantly less than last time! With this ludicrous thought on my mind, I head of homeward bound.
Of course I was slower that last week, (drat nagging sisters ability to add) but I feel better for jogging today, which is just as well, because that is all I did this week, I didn't even get to my Rosemery Conley session this week, I expect people will stop visiting soon, and midwives will stop turning up whenever, and milk in my fridge will be there for next time I want a cup of tea!
But next week is another week, the little stubborn one, surely must urge me on to get fitter, if not for myself then for him! Right?!!
Monday, 9 March 2009
Almost there.
Hello blog readers!
I am so pleased to tell you that I actually got of my (increasing) backside last week (Tuesday 3rd March) and actually did some form or exercise!
Its all down to nagging sister of course, it was her phone call Tuesday morning saying 'Hope you got your jogger bottoms on, because I shall be there shortly' I just could not think of an excuse quickly enough to deter nagging sister, I stumbled, and stammered and hum and arrghh-ed but nothing, no excuses, not reasons, no bones could I break, (even though I thought that was a little too extreme)
So upstairs, (why don't I get a Stanna in this house) looking for my jogging bottoms, all the time muttering under my breath all the excuses now that came flooding in to my head. Why can you never think of these things when you want them.
Nagging sister knocking on the door, it seems in double quick time, surely she must have broke the speed limit to get here. There she is, oh yes.....looking lovely as ever, the mascara, the eyeshadow, the blush and the lippy, How? Why? Does she not sweat this ........person standing in front of me 'Have you warmed up today'
'NO!' I says at her,'I wasn't even planning of doing jogging, the only thing I had planned to day is what I do after jogging,.....sitting down!'
Outside in the brisk air, thank goodness the sun is shining, at least it puts me in the right frame of mind, and we start off gently, ever so gently up to turn around lamppost. I had already told nagging sister that I probably couldn't even dream of doing the two mile jog straight off, not after all the time in the space ship.....ok....acting as couch potato for the family, Apparently every family has one and it was my turn on the couch! Actually, this is too bad, nagging sister and I are conversing, the sun is shining, I don't know what the fuss was all about, but still, turn around lamppost and back again, just to break us in again.
The path to our goal post is still littered with unscrupulous dog owners dogs doing, yes I still blame those pesky dog owners for not cleaning up after their beloved pets, after all where would the dogs keep the poop bags?!! A question I don't suppose many of you have asked your selves. Nagging sister still chatting away, I on the other hand have decided that I would listen, as listening was so much easier that talking and jogging, with an occasional grunt in the right place. Turn around lamppost in sight, and no pain as yet. I thinking we did pretty good for the split time, but when I checked my stopwatch we were two minuets more than I expected!!! Maybe I could make up for it on the way back. A ten second break and then hit the poop covered path for the jog back home, and that wonderful, cool, inviting couch at my house.
When we were half way back home the pain kicked in, the sweat poured out and my breath was some way back towards turn around lamppost. 'Come on don't walk now, we're nearly home' says nagging sister, looking like ......ggrrrr..... you all know the drill by now, I can't even write it anymore, 'Come on you can do this, you did last year' Oh how I remember last year, yes I did it, yes I could jog along for two miles, BUT I HAD TRAINED FOR MONTHS TO DO THAT, NAGGING SISTER! The thought of sprinting along the last ten feet was filling me with dread, let along for the last two hundred feet. But nagging sister I know would insist that is what is going to happen.
Here is torture point, at last my couch is just a minute away, deep breath, head down 'Oh you're jogging again' I hear those sweet sweet words cutting through my thoughts' 'Yes, yes I am' I say to my mother in law, as she tends to her garden what was really going in my head was 'Yes, yes I can stop and have a rest' Just a quick stop, a few more sentences and the pain, which I was trying to ignore, subsides and I say a grateful cheerio and look to hit the torture point with renewed vigour.
Head down, deep breaths, now run, run run run, in front of nagging sister now, maybe she didn't think I could do it, ha, run run run, still in front of nagging sister, my house looking ever so lovely, filling up my view, then nagging sister comes past, 'Come on old girl, all the way to the end' whizzing past me heading for MY house, MY lovely cool inviting couch. No!! I start to dwindle now, looking only at nagging sister, leaning up against my door, oh no, not in an exhausting, going to collapse any second type of leaning, but a oh my goodness look at the pitiful site heading towards me, type of leaning. In through the back door, I don't have enough energy to lift up my key to ope the front door and head straight for for sofa. 17 mins 49 seconds, That is only just fast than the very first time I reached turnaround lamppost this time last year!!! All that hard work, where did it all go.
But that was not the only day that I did excise's, oh no, I'm thinking I'm on a roll here and Thursday evening, up at my local church, along with the DVD or Rosemery Conly and her gang I was there with my gang, Ok, again this week it was just the two of us, but we were there, we were keeping up with Rosemery and we even chatted, just for a while. Again the sweat was coming out of the top of my head, into my eyes, at least then I couldn't see Roses, smiley, perfect makeup, nagging sister type face staring at me through the screen. But half an hour or the fat burning workout, and the GI toning section does seem to create a lot of moisture to pour down my face, could this really be doing me good.
The incentive to do well that evening was some rather big delicious looking strawberries that were waiting for us in the kitchen, mmmm, I suppose its so much better that reaching for the biscuits.
So Blog readers, its now Monday and instead of jogging today I wrote this, but at least you can all see that I have started again, and you never know, nagging sister will drag me out of my house again tomorrow morning.
I am so pleased to tell you that I actually got of my (increasing) backside last week (Tuesday 3rd March) and actually did some form or exercise!
Its all down to nagging sister of course, it was her phone call Tuesday morning saying 'Hope you got your jogger bottoms on, because I shall be there shortly' I just could not think of an excuse quickly enough to deter nagging sister, I stumbled, and stammered and hum and arrghh-ed but nothing, no excuses, not reasons, no bones could I break, (even though I thought that was a little too extreme)
So upstairs, (why don't I get a Stanna in this house) looking for my jogging bottoms, all the time muttering under my breath all the excuses now that came flooding in to my head. Why can you never think of these things when you want them.
Nagging sister knocking on the door, it seems in double quick time, surely she must have broke the speed limit to get here. There she is, oh yes.....looking lovely as ever, the mascara, the eyeshadow, the blush and the lippy, How? Why? Does she not sweat this ........person standing in front of me 'Have you warmed up today'
'NO!' I says at her,'I wasn't even planning of doing jogging, the only thing I had planned to day is what I do after jogging,.....sitting down!'
Outside in the brisk air, thank goodness the sun is shining, at least it puts me in the right frame of mind, and we start off gently, ever so gently up to turn around lamppost. I had already told nagging sister that I probably couldn't even dream of doing the two mile jog straight off, not after all the time in the space ship.....ok....acting as couch potato for the family, Apparently every family has one and it was my turn on the couch! Actually, this is too bad, nagging sister and I are conversing, the sun is shining, I don't know what the fuss was all about, but still, turn around lamppost and back again, just to break us in again.
The path to our goal post is still littered with unscrupulous dog owners dogs doing, yes I still blame those pesky dog owners for not cleaning up after their beloved pets, after all where would the dogs keep the poop bags?!! A question I don't suppose many of you have asked your selves. Nagging sister still chatting away, I on the other hand have decided that I would listen, as listening was so much easier that talking and jogging, with an occasional grunt in the right place. Turn around lamppost in sight, and no pain as yet. I thinking we did pretty good for the split time, but when I checked my stopwatch we were two minuets more than I expected!!! Maybe I could make up for it on the way back. A ten second break and then hit the poop covered path for the jog back home, and that wonderful, cool, inviting couch at my house.
When we were half way back home the pain kicked in, the sweat poured out and my breath was some way back towards turn around lamppost. 'Come on don't walk now, we're nearly home' says nagging sister, looking like ......ggrrrr..... you all know the drill by now, I can't even write it anymore, 'Come on you can do this, you did last year' Oh how I remember last year, yes I did it, yes I could jog along for two miles, BUT I HAD TRAINED FOR MONTHS TO DO THAT, NAGGING SISTER! The thought of sprinting along the last ten feet was filling me with dread, let along for the last two hundred feet. But nagging sister I know would insist that is what is going to happen.
Here is torture point, at last my couch is just a minute away, deep breath, head down 'Oh you're jogging again' I hear those sweet sweet words cutting through my thoughts' 'Yes, yes I am' I say to my mother in law, as she tends to her garden what was really going in my head was 'Yes, yes I can stop and have a rest' Just a quick stop, a few more sentences and the pain, which I was trying to ignore, subsides and I say a grateful cheerio and look to hit the torture point with renewed vigour.
Head down, deep breaths, now run, run run run, in front of nagging sister now, maybe she didn't think I could do it, ha, run run run, still in front of nagging sister, my house looking ever so lovely, filling up my view, then nagging sister comes past, 'Come on old girl, all the way to the end' whizzing past me heading for MY house, MY lovely cool inviting couch. No!! I start to dwindle now, looking only at nagging sister, leaning up against my door, oh no, not in an exhausting, going to collapse any second type of leaning, but a oh my goodness look at the pitiful site heading towards me, type of leaning. In through the back door, I don't have enough energy to lift up my key to ope the front door and head straight for for sofa. 17 mins 49 seconds, That is only just fast than the very first time I reached turnaround lamppost this time last year!!! All that hard work, where did it all go.
But that was not the only day that I did excise's, oh no, I'm thinking I'm on a roll here and Thursday evening, up at my local church, along with the DVD or Rosemery Conly and her gang I was there with my gang, Ok, again this week it was just the two of us, but we were there, we were keeping up with Rosemery and we even chatted, just for a while. Again the sweat was coming out of the top of my head, into my eyes, at least then I couldn't see Roses, smiley, perfect makeup, nagging sister type face staring at me through the screen. But half an hour or the fat burning workout, and the GI toning section does seem to create a lot of moisture to pour down my face, could this really be doing me good.
The incentive to do well that evening was some rather big delicious looking strawberries that were waiting for us in the kitchen, mmmm, I suppose its so much better that reaching for the biscuits.
So Blog readers, its now Monday and instead of jogging today I wrote this, but at least you can all see that I have started again, and you never know, nagging sister will drag me out of my house again tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 anyone there?...........Helllo!
Hello everybody, I have this amazing story to tell you. I was jogging along and then this bright light appeared in the sky and this weired pulsating noise was all around me, I suddenly felt myself floating in the air, my eyes transfixed on the bright light above me. All of a sudden I was in this weired place ................What?.................What???? I am just telling you the truth here, about why I have not blogged or jogged for these past few days.............. Oh wow its been that long has it?
Ok I shall come clean, I have had a very bad case of lazee-itus. It affects those people who only exercise once in a blue moon, which appears to have been last year in my case! But the intention is still there and now I have a reason again, the race for life is back and I'm really looking forward to doing it again, unlike last year where even the mere though of it last March was sending me to the pastry counter of Morrisons!
I have not be completely bone idle this past few weeks, a few members of my church decided that they too want to be acquainted with Rosemery Conly and her crew of super fit ex-couch potatoes, gorgeous back up exercisers. So once a week for the past four weeks there has been someone at the church in front of the t.v., not sitting on a couch but sending invisible daggers to Rosemery Conly and her crew as they have puffed and sweated along to the instructions, giving with a smial by dear Rosemery and always holding in the darn tummy, working out.
Again, I will confess, I missed two sessions, once because I had to go shopping and the other time........well I just forgot, (probably eating the shopping) But from next week, I will be jogging as much as I can, dust of the bike, shake out the moth balls from both sets of jogging suits (Which by the way, they both seem to have shrunk again!!) and hopefully get fit, again, for the Race for Life!!
See you all soon.
Ok I shall come clean, I have had a very bad case of lazee-itus. It affects those people who only exercise once in a blue moon, which appears to have been last year in my case! But the intention is still there and now I have a reason again, the race for life is back and I'm really looking forward to doing it again, unlike last year where even the mere though of it last March was sending me to the pastry counter of Morrisons!
I have not be completely bone idle this past few weeks, a few members of my church decided that they too want to be acquainted with Rosemery Conly and her crew of super fit ex-couch potatoes, gorgeous back up exercisers. So once a week for the past four weeks there has been someone at the church in front of the t.v., not sitting on a couch but sending invisible daggers to Rosemery Conly and her crew as they have puffed and sweated along to the instructions, giving with a smial by dear Rosemery and always holding in the darn tummy, working out.
Again, I will confess, I missed two sessions, once because I had to go shopping and the other time........well I just forgot, (probably eating the shopping) But from next week, I will be jogging as much as I can, dust of the bike, shake out the moth balls from both sets of jogging suits (Which by the way, they both seem to have shrunk again!!) and hopefully get fit, again, for the Race for Life!!
See you all soon.
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