On Tuesday this week nagging sister flung her kids at me and tried to drag me out for the power walk, but I persuaded her that I didn't need to go as I was going to encourage my mate, the beligan bun eater (Yes I know I spelt it wrong, and that it should be Belgian that was intentional, because for years I always saw that word as I had written, and admit it, I'm not the only one, right??)....... ok lost myself now...... oh yes beligan bun eater to try the power walking too.
Nagging sister decided that she will jog our two and half mile power walk route by herself. Bye bye we all called out as we got the wii out and she closed the door. Well you can imagine my absolute delight when after another virtually physically exhausting time of watching virtual tennis I noticed that it was raining slightly. Instead of feeling a little sorry for nagging sister I merely chuckled and pointed out to nagging sisters attachments that it was raining.(See attached picture, ha ha ha I have the technology to embarass and I know how to use it)
After another game, and it was quite exciting by name it was match point, I looked outside again and noticed the rain coming down harder. Nice big 'fat' rain, well me and nagging sisters offspring just couldn't contain ourselves as we burnt up calories laughing at the thought of nagging sister out there in the rain. She was by now only half way round, and the rain didn't look as if was going to stop anytime soon.
She eventually arrived back at my house and stood there in her wet trainers, her wet tee shirt (No boys, please don't go there, not until you've seen the picture that I hope to put up anyway) and her hair flat to her head in rats tails. Her usually perfect makeup looks just like everyone elses, everyone else who forgot to take it off before going to bed after a very good night out!!!! Perfect, I could not hope for a better scene.
Anyway that is not telling you about me, but it did me loads of good seeing her like that. As I said above, I went for a power walk in the evening with old beligan bun herself, and we walked a short route, but up hill! just so that we can see where we each are in our fitness.
It was a fairly gentle power walk, well for me anyway, B.B. seemed a little more out of breath than I did (I will, not gloat, I will not gloat, I will not gloat) But I encouraged her to try to go a little faster. Now I can see the power it brings, maybe I can become nagging friend, then maybe nagging leader, then maybe nagging ruler of the world!!!!! Oh I'm sorry I went off on one then. We walked for about two miles and I won't tell you how long it took us, I shall be fair on B.B. but we both felt that we had did our bit for the evening.
Then on Thursday Beligan was knocking on my door directly at 6 o'clock, exactly when we arranged to do our next power walk. Of course I had forgotten, and tried to play that fact down, which was easy because I had the stubborn one on my lap 'Oh good you're here, on time' I said as if I was expecting her 'Just need to hand stubborn one over to his mummy and get changed' Phew she didn't notice.
We decided to do the route that nagging sister did on Tuesday when the rain delighted me so, and I could acquaint B.B. with turnaround lamppost and the other fabulous sites on 'the route'. It was a pleasant walk and I did notice that B.B. had a little more pace on her than before, which I have probably realised, its best to exercise before eating rather than straight after! We did power around the route both a Little out of breath and feeling the muscles arguing with our legs. The rain stayed away, the air was warm and B.B even removed her jacket. It was a good evenings walk and we were pleased we did it.
B.B. was insistent though that she was going back again later in the evening, I thought she was being overly keen on this keep fit malarkey until she said that she saw some rather delicious blackberries, and she would like some to make blackberry and apple pie!!!!!
It is going to be one BIG struggle with this one!

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