Thursday, 19 November 2009


I can feel you all 'reading' my blog, wondering where I have been. And I can feel you all silently nagging me from your nice comfy seats reading this saying, she lost it again. Well I haven't, I just got slightly waylaid.

Ok, so on Monday, it was hissing down with rain, and it was cold and grey and no-body in their right mind, who didn't have to be out there would have been out there, (Well maybe nagging sister, the martyr) but I did say right mind. So instead I started up my comp in the hope of doing some work, spread sheets! Excel! All day on that darn thing, forgot to do any form of exercise, just this darn spread sheets, which wasn't doing what I wanted it to do! I was pleasantly distracted for a while, (Facebook) reading every ones up dates, looking at new pictures, etc....... I'm sure you all have done it right?

Tuesday again, was a bad day for the exercise because of ........ something...... which I assure you was very important! (Oh dear why cant I remember what I did) ....
oh yes, there was the banking to do. See I told you in was important.

And Wednesday, well yesterday was a different day all together. Yesterday was the second anniversary for my mums passing. The wind was fierce yesterday, reminding me of the very moment that mum went. 'I wonder if that is the wind coming for mum' I said to my brother as we were outside the house having a ciggie (yes I know). And it was. She was the inspiration for all this keep fit thing happening, she was the reason why there were 20 or so of us getting off our lazy backsides and doing something to raise money for cancer research. Mum and dad and everybody else who has suffered or been affected by cancer is the reason why I am still struggling to keep fit. We missed out on this years Race for life, but next year, 2010, I shall be entering again, with mum and dad on my mind.

So today, after a firm telling off by me, yes nagging sister I nagged my self, as well as your nagging voice in my head and the silent voices that are willing me to do well, I was also nagging myself, I got out of my pit pulled on my joggers and opened the door. The wind is about again and blew some dirt in my eye. I went back inside and decided, 'Maybe jogging in high winds is not the best idea' so with a smile on my face I whacked on the old mans IPOD and danced. I love dancing, and, to be fair, because I can feel you saying, 'JUST GET OUT THERE YOU WIMP when I do dance about in my kitchen I do so for at least 30 mins, which is of course as you know, more heart pumping, sweat inducing time then jogging for just over 15 mins.

So can you all stop nagging me now, please?

1 comment:

Bims said...

I will say it, you know I am going to dont you. "YOU LITTLE WIMP" there I said it. A litlle piece of dirt went in your eye and you talk yourself out of a jog. Must remember that one for when I want a day off work (well when I get my next job that is) lol. I cant believe you actually got on your joggers and went out the front door only to come back inside with such a lame and pathetic excuse. I so wish I had of been there. Just for that I think you should come running with me on my route and I will make you do the 2.6 miles without stopping either. tut tut tut

Your Loving Sis Dawn x x x x (nagging sis to you) ha ha